11 ~ Vʏʟᴀᴅ's Tʀᴜᴇ Lᴏᴠᴇ?♥︎

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Vylads pov

I ran into my bedroom crying. Why...? Why cant I have someone to love me...?! I thought as I closed my door. I looked over at my desk, a note? I questioned. Who in their rightmind would write me a note? I asked myself. I picked up the note, it had a heart on it. I opened it thn read:

Dear Vylad,

Its Dante, I wanted to ask you something in the hall today but you were busy so I gave this to Garroth so he can give it to you. If your readng this then can ou meet me at he park at 7:20pm?

Hope to see you there!


// Yep cliffhanger! Sorry I havent been on but more is to come cuz SUMMER VACA!! Also follow MilkySoapp and JohnLaurenTurtle plz! Thx I will be making my own covers btw okie now bai//

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