15 ~ Tʀᴀᴠɪs Tʜᴇ Cᴏᴡʙᴏʏ *SMUT* P.2♥︎

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   Zane's POV
I smiled at Travis. I held his one hip tightly as i grabbed his meifwa tail. His tail isn't as long as other meifwas, it was half the size of a normal meifwa tail. I grabbed the base of it and rubbed it. He squeaks and tightly grabs my arm.
"A-Ah, Z-Z-Zane,,~" he groaned. As i continued i was looking for his sweet spot. He was trying to push me away but i was too strong against him. I found the spot and bit it until i got the taste of copper. Travis has screamed in pain; after i licked it and kissed it, looked at him. I kissed his tears away; bringing him close to my chest. "Shhh, baby. I was just marking you so no one is able to take you away from me." I whispered to him.
   He was still squeaking and moaning, having me rub his tail. I quickened my pace and he busted out full on moans. "Damn babe your tail sure is sensitive~." Travis hooked his arms under mine and moaned into my shoulder.
"Baaaaabyyy~ Don't hide your beautiful face, love~"
"A-Aha! Z-Z-ngh!~" 
"Poor baby~ You just want Daddy to fuck you, don't you baby boy~."
Travis couldn't take all the dirty. He soon came loudly in his pants, he just whimpered in embarrassment and hid his adorable, squishy face. "I-I,,ngh,,s-sorry.." He whimpered. I awed, "It is okay baby, it is my fault, do you still need to be relieved, love?" I asked worriedly. He nodded which made me smirk. "Lay down little one.~" Travis obeyed and laid down, putting his head on the pillow.
I put my cold large hands up his shirt, i started rubbing a pink little bud on his chest, being careful not to touch his scars. He shivered below me, "Are my hands cold, darling?~" He whimpers and nods. "I'm sorry baby boy~, Daddy will warm his hands up." I close his thighs but slide my hands between them to warm them up. He blushes more as i get closer to his length. "H-HeYY!~" He yells as i palm him through his boxers. "What? I thought my baby boy said he needs to be relieved?~ No?" I asked nuzzling his cheek softly. "I thought you love it when Daddy plays with his kitten?~"
"I-I-Ah~ d-do-dO!~" he spoke softly. I smirked and got rougher. He had grabbed the sheets roughly, putting holes in it from his claws. I let go and kissed his chubby cheeks. "Do you want Daddy to relieve you sweetheart?~" He nodded quickly, I sighed and started taking off my pants and boxers. I pulled his boxers off with my teeth slowly. I then get some lube out of the drawer, put it on my fingers and slowly slid them into his entrance softly. "A-Ah!~" he squeaked, "It's okay love i'll be gentle~" I winked at him making him blush more. I thrusted my fingers rapidly for a few minutes, then pulling them out. "Now i'm going in baby, hold daddy's hand." He quickly grabbed my hand and squeezed it as i slowly slid into him. When i was fully in i couldn't help but groan softly, he felt like heaven.
I thrusted slowly after he adjusted, he was already a mess. He was drooling i bit which made me chuckle. "Damn kitten you're so warm and tight, I love it!~" He was moaning loudly I doubt he could hear me but he needed to know I was enjoying it too. He soon came on his squishy belly. "Baby, Daddy isn't close yet, can he try something?" I asked stopping. He nodded tiredly. I laid down with him on top of me, he was gonna ride me. I grabbed a cowboy hat and put it on his head, it falling over his eyes because it was a bit too big. "Hold on, Cowboy~" I said making my voice drop extra deep. He squeaked and grabbed my arm as i started bucking my hips up. He used his other hand to hold the hat on him. I came minutes later, i wanted to go longer but the site of him and the feel on being inside of him made me release so quick. I take myself out of my panting kitty and lay him down, holding him tightly. I put the sweatshirt he wanted to wear on him and the blanket, making the both of us falling asleep quickly after.

sorry for not updating qwq'

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