13 ~ Vʏʟᴀᴅ's Tʀᴜᴇ Lᴏᴠᴇ? P.3♥︎

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Dantes Pov:
I saw the smallest Ro'Meave brother approach me while I was on the swing, having my phone in hand. He looked as if he had been running. I walked up to him as he began to speak, "Dante! Dante?! Are you here?!" He said out of breath. I silenced him by putting my finger on his lips, feeling his hot breath against my finger. I smirked at him, he then blushed a deep red. "Heh. Hey, Cutie," I cooed at him. He blushed a darker red as I moved closer to his face. "D-Dante..?!" He said startled "Yes, Darling~?" "W-What are you do-" He was cutoff by me pulling on his tie and kissing him.
     3rd POV:
Dante and Vylad kissed each other for an hour, separating for only a few minutes for air. The older pulled on the back of the brunettes hair, making him squeak and whimper. Once the younger parted his lips, the older shoved his tongue into his mouth. The shorter moaned when Dante had begun to lick all around in his mouth, Dante craved more for his sounds. He wanted to here him moan but in a different way, they couldn't do it here, hell no! There's children in this park! Plus Gene was there with his boyfriend, Zenix. With the tag along Sasha wanting them to do it already.
Ik Ik Ik Ik! It's been so long since I've updated this book Oof I'm sorry but I will update my books when I can. Anyways here's the chapter y'all been wanting! Bye my meifwas! 🧡

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