09~ Vʏʟᴀᴅ's Wɪsʜ♥︎

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Vylads POV

Me, my mom, my two brothers and Travis were all eating dinner after Zenta bursted through the window. Zane was trying to feed Travis like he was a baby. Damn I wish someone would do that to me..

Travis POV
  Zane was trying to feed me like I was a baby. "Travy open up~." "Zane, no, stop." "Pleeeasse babe~?" "No." "Fine.." he said ending the little argument. He put the fork in his mouth and ate the spaghetti he was trying to feed me. I felt bad, aww my poor cupcake~... I grabbed his shirt collar and kissed him swishing around the food  through each others mouth. He soon grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. He soon gave it to me then I swallowed it. Then he started playing with my tongue and I couldn't help but moan. "Heh boys! Enough! You can do that later~!" Zanes mom said. Zane pulled away and there was saliva between us. Vylad scooted his chair out and walked away. "I'm done BAI!" He said walking upstairs. Garroth just got up and left. "Going to Aaron's house bai" "Get kInKy Garroth!" Me and Zane said in unison. We both laughed at it.

Yay I finally made another chappie -w- here you go shippers :3

Ik it's not much but eh it's something right?
I think
I hope

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