12 ~ Vʏʟᴀᴅ's Tʀᴜᴇ Lᴏᴠᴇ? P.2♥︎

528 11 12

Vylads pov:
F-From Dante? Does he like me? No! He doesn't you idiot he's not gay.. [YES HE IS YOU SMOL BEAN] I said to myself. I had a small crush on Dante, okay, okay that's a lie, I had a HUGE crush on Dante. I mean who couldn't?! He's so hot and dreamy, I mean how couldn't you?! I scratched my bunny ear and looked at my clock. 7:18?! Ah shit I'm gonna be late! I told myself as I ran downstairs. I saw Garroth was back from Aaron's house, he had some hickeys on him. Where are you going? Uhhh...to the park! Gonna meet up with a friend gotta go! I dashed out the door so fast my head spun. (I will be happy if you get that reference ;u;) Dante! Dante?! Are you here?! I yelled as I ran to the park as fast as I could. There was Dante, swinging on the swing looking at his phone. Dante! Sorry I'm late, I- I got cut from him getting up and putting a finger on my lips. I blushed lightly and looked up at him.

Heh but there's more (obvi) Fanficboss34 helped me with this idea :P thx btw

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