05 ~ Gᴏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ Nᴀʀɴɪᴀ!❤︎︎

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Zenta Pov:
Frisky was dragging me by the hand, following Zane and Travis. I asked her 'where are we going?!' She answered with her saying 'we're following Zane and Travis to see where their going'. "THEIR GOING TO NARNIA NOW LETS GET BACK TO CLASS BEFORE WE GET IN TROUBLE!" I yelled to her. "THEN TO NARNIA WE GOOOOO!" She ran faster catching up to them.
                       ~time skip to when they caught up to them~
"FRISKY LET GO OF MY ARM!!" I yelled at her. Then she let go, I rubbed my wrist because it hurt  from Frisky pulling it.
     Frisky POV
When we caught up to Zane and Travis they showed us where they were during the periods. The bleachers, REALLY?! Me and Zenta walked back and bumped into a black haired guy and a blonde haired guy. "Oh sorry! We didn't mean to bump into you!" I said scared. "It's okay." The black haired one said. "Btw I'm Aaron" he said. "And this is my boyfriend, Garroth" he said gesturing to the blonde guy. "Oh cool! We have gay friends too!" I pause. Everyone just stays silent. "Hehe, that sound better in my head..." I said nervously. "Anyways," Zenta started. "I'm Zenta and this is my sister, Frisky" She finished saying.                                                                                                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sowwy for no activity & short  chappie :3

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