04 ~ Wʜᴇʀᴇ Aʀᴇ Tʜᴇʏ?❤︎︎

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  A few hours later & Zenta POV:
I didn't see Zane or Travis for a few periods. Where were they? What were they doing? I thought. "I hope they're okay.." I whisper to Frisky. "Yeah I hope so too!" She whispered loudish. I think the teacher saw us talking because he walked over to us. "What are you two talking about?" He asked. "W-we're just talking about our friends! We can't wait to see them after school!" Frisky said trying to sound normal. The teacher walked away and continued talking about magicks or something, me and Frisky don't even pay attention but somehow we get good grades.
Frisky POV:
I was sitting at my desk, worried about my friends. Ugh, thus class is so boring, it's so boring I feel like falling asleep. I started dozing off until I heard the fire drill alarm go off. Everyone was coming out of the school. I saw my friends, Laurance, Shadow, Terria, ZANE AND TRAVIS! Thank Irene their okay! I sighed in relief. I wonder where they've been? "Frisky? What's wrong?" Zenta asked. "Oh I just saw Zane and Travis!" I said happily. Zenta looked over to see them. They snuck back inside. I grabbed Zentas hand and dragged her. " Frisky what are you doing?!" She asked with scarce in her voice. "We're seeing where Travis and Zane are going!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sowwy for short chapter again and a cliffhanger >:3 mwhahahah

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