My Angel

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" omg hazel you look like a cute little slut.. I love it ." Maya said spinning me around
" well I wasn't going for that but .. Thank you ?" I told her
"Are you a ... Cowgirl?" I asked
" yep.. But horses ain't the only thing I ride😝." She told
" you're so nasty it doesn't even make sense." I told her shaking me head.
" well ain't you the most beautifulest Angel I ever seen." August day walking up to me.
"Aww ,thank you babe .. Where's your costume?" I asked
" I am my costume." He told me stepping back so I can look like him.
"Oh.. I forgot.. wolf boy." I told him
"What I tell yo ass about calling me that?" He told me
" haha.. I'm just playing ." I said hugging him
" somebody say wolf boy ?!" Chris said loudly walking up.
"No!" August said fast.
"Nigga I got good ears . I know what I heard ... Wolf boy." Chris said to him smirking at the end .
" son I was seriously whoop yo ass at this party,Stop fucking playing with me!" August said angrily
"Come on August it's get something to drink!." I said pulling him through the crowd of everybody and they costumes.
August took three shots of Alcohol that was on the tray without hesitation.
"Umm August you don't think that was a bad idea?" I asked
" I can handle my alcohol sweetheart ... Very well." He Said taking two more.
"Okay well.. I don't think you sure take anymore for my worries. Considering the fact that you just took three back to back and added two more like it was nothing. " I told him
"Hazel.. Trust me babe, I'm good." He told me leading me back into the room with everybody.
We stayed at the party for what seemed like ...... Foreva (Cardi B voice ).
I yawned as I looked around.
"Somebody tired." August said looking at me
"Whatttt?" I said trying to play it off.
" you ready to go?" He asked
"Yea a little." I said
"Alright come on." He told me grabbing me from the chair.
We walked outside and it was people laying in the grass passed out. Some where smoking in groups. Others where chatting in a circle while everybody held red cups. It really looked like a movie clip. We pulled into August drive way. "I thought you were taking me home?" I asked
"I am .. But i wanted to give you something first come on." He told me getting out of the car. I followed him into the house and up to his room.
"First I got check something right quick." He told me leaving out.
I sat on his bed and waiting. I started getting scared because I didn't know what it could be and it felt like he was taking forever even thought it's only been a couple of seconds since he had been gone. I took off my wings and halo from my costumes and put the in the chair in his corner and sat back on the bed and waited.
He walked back in the room and looked at me. " what?" I asked
" what ?" I asked back. " why you looking like that ?" He says walking over to his closet. " how am I looking ?" I asked
" like you scared." He said smirking
" whattttt?" I said rubbing my arm looking around
" Right . Because why would Hazel James. Be scared of me ." He Said laughing
" I not scared of you August ." I said standing up looking at him
He walked over to me and kissed me , " you should be." He said afterwards. " "turn around." He order me
"Why, Exactly am I turning around ."I said while turning around. I seen a necklace go pass my face and onto my neck. I looked dork at it and it was his wolf necklace.
"But ..this is yours ." I said turning around and looking at him
" I know ... But I want you to have it ." He told me
"But I thought this was like a pack thing?" I asked
" it is.. Stop asking so many questions." He told me laughing
"Well thanks babe." I said examining it again.
" that's not all." He told me pulling out a small box from his pocket and opening it.
" oh my gosh August .. That's a .. Oh my gosh . It's so shiny ." Is all I could get out . " yeah.. It's a promise ring .. Well for now because you know we're young and shit." He told me putting it on my finger.
" it's really pretty .. Now I feel bad because I didn't get you anything. I don't feel very angel like." I said frowning and looking at my costume.
" You wasn't suppose to, besides you didn't even know what I was doing, I wasn't asking for anything in return." He told me pulling me in
" well .. I'm still gonna get you something." I told him
He laughed and shook his head.
" I love you ." He told me
" I love you too." I told him





I think I'm Finna start me a YouTube channel 🤔


It's nice outside..... Go be the best hoe you can be 😁😁😊😍👍🏽👍🏽!!
Perfect weather for it ...

Make that nigga buy you a car and drive off on his ahh😼

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