Room work

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" Come on August we been on this same shit for 7 mins and I been over her for two hours . It's 6:30 and I'm very tired." I told him
" Girl don't you see me trying , everybody at smart like you ." He told me
" well excuse me ..I didn't say you wasn't smart , I just don't feel like your trying." I told him
" I know , my bad I'm just frustrated ." He said rubbing his temple.
" Maybe you should take a break or something." I suggested
" yeah , that sounds good. He said moving all the papers onto his nightstand
" you hungry ma?" He asked
" ehh.I could eat." I said
" Ard . I'll be back , don't steal nothing ." He said
" I'm taking everythang in this bitch!" I said jokingly
" yeah Ard, just leave the bed and TV ." He said laughing and walking out closing the door behind him
I laid back in his bed. It smelt just like him and the type of cologne he use. I grabbed one of his pillows which was cold and soft and snuggled it between my face and wrapped my arms around it and before I knew it I quickly feel asleep.

August Pov

" So how's the studying going ?" My mom asked
" Terrible , it's harder then I thought it would be ." I told her sitting in the chair at the island
" why you say that ?" She asked
" ion know probably because she so smart like , it's like she know everything , even stuff that's not school related . Like she so quick with it . It just comes so natural ." I told her
" August don't you think you over exaggerating a little?" She told me
" no." I said bluntly
" well I like her , she very gorgeous , obviously she's very smart , nice shape , smells nice . If you ask me she better then any other girl you told me about . Does she know about you know . The wolf side ?" She asked leaning in toward me
" No , it's to early for all that , and besides its not like we're dating she just helping me with work." I told her
" but you want to don't you?" She asked smirking at me
" Ma , chill out." I said
" okay answer me this, did you kiss her yet ?" She said sitting two plates with a BLT sandwich and chips on it
" come on ma." I said grabbing the plates
" answer the question and I'll leave you alone , don't let me come up there and embarrass you ." She threatened me
" yea ma, bye thanks for the sandwiches !" I said walking upstairs
I opened the door to see Hazel hugged up on a pillows fast asleep. Damn how long was I downstairs . I thought to myself. I closed the door with my foot and I sat the plates down in the desk with my laptop and stuff on it. I walked over to the bed and sat next to her. She looked so beautiful sleep that I didn't want to wake her. I stared for a couple of mins and then I grabbed my phone and took a pic of her.
" Hazel ." I said rubbing her back
"Hazel ." I said again
" hmmm?" She said moving a little
" I thought you said you was hungry ?" I said
" I am ." She said turning over still with her eyes closed
" you eat while you sleep or something ?" I said being sarcastic
" I told you I was very tired but I was also hungry , I didn't think I was gonna fall asleep but your bed was so comfortable I dozed off." She told me
" mmhmm. You know it would be more comfortable if you took off your clothes , cover is soft from under ." I told her smirking
She looked at me and faked smiled and sat up .
" I'm sure you would like that . what we eating ?" She said running her hands thru her hair and then putting it into a lazy ponytail .
" BLT's with chips one of my moms appreciation toward you I guess." I said handing her, her plate .
" whatchu mean ?" She said biting into hers
" I been asked for her to make me one of these for the longest , like three weeks na. All up sudden you come and boom , it's made without me even asking." I told her
" whelp maybe I should come over more offend them huh ." She said
" yeah , you should my bed is always open for you and your 5 mins naps ." I told her biting into my sandwich
" lol, did you know that the BLT became popular after World War II ." She told me while biting again
" I do now , how come ?" I asked
" because of the rapid expansion of supermarkets, you know which allowed ingredients to be available year-round. " she told me
" how Tf do you know this stuff , like just off the top." I asked curious
" ion know, just stuff I seen times again like either on the Internet or in books , I go to the library a lot and stuff so I guess .. Ion know , I'm sorry am I getting on your nerves ?" She asked looking slight embarrassed
" nah you good, it's just amazes me, why you asked ?" I said
" because that's been gapping my whole life in school , girls would not like my and stuff because I would know mostly all the answers, you know like it I was to get called on. They would call my a nerd and stuff which I didn't have a problem with because I didn't feel like a nerd , I just felt I put care and participate in my work and stuff them most of the others. And I couldn't really help that." She told me
" so what like you get stuffed in lockers in stuff?" I asked raising my brows
"Lol, no August , but once a couple of girls tried to jump me , I ran home but we lived close to like the woods like now , so I ran that way because they was following me and so I climbed a tree and lost them , and that was in 4th grade, so I had to be homed schooled for like.. Until 10th grade.
That's why know I keep to myself and try not to be seen when they call in people." Duh said be sitting her plate on the side of her
" Dang, I mean , I just thought you were shy or some shit you know , cuz that day I walked in class late and you looked nervous as hell." I told her
" well I mean I am shy a lil bit but I get over it ." She told me
" can I ask you something?"
I said
"Sure." She said
"How come your name is Hazel but your eyes are brown ?"
I said
" the same reason your name is August but you were born in September." She said
"touché." I said smiling

Tbc..... I got sleepy it's like almost 2 something in the morning .

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