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Walking into the bar was crazy. I'd never been in a place like this in all my life. In your normal, local bar you'd have wooden tables with uncomfortable stools. Here? Well, there was only leather chairs with beautiful glass tables. And chandeliers. What kind of place was this?

There was no erotic dancing in the corner of the room, barely even drunk strangers making out with one another. No, everyone here was sophisticated and nowhere near pissed like the people in your local bar or club.

However, how expensive and fancy this place was, did concern me. It was a bit of a safety hazard for drunks though or clumsy people like me. Wish me luck because I am most definitely going to need it.

I hadn't even gotten to the drunk stage yet and I'd managed to trip over my own feet on the way in. Not that I was planning to get drunk. No, there was no way I was embarrassing myself this early on in knowing these people. But, I had barely eaten all day and I was so nervous, which is exactly why I was only planning one to drink one glass of whatever was available.

Daniel led us all to a private, VIP section, which was even fancier with the table having lights built into it, making it glow a pale blue colour and instead of the leather chairs, there was a singular leather couch, similar to what you'd find in a house which belonged to someone rather well-off and definitely not what you would find in my dingy, little apartment.

After I'd finished marvelling at the furniture within the facility, I sat down in between Daniel and Jenny on the comfy couch.

"Would you like a drink?" Daniel turned to ask me, to which I gave a short, quiet nod of my head.

"Two glasses of champagne coming up." He grinned. "Need to taste champagne somewhere."

Smiling softly to him I watched as he walked away towards the bar to order our drinks. I continued to watch him, not sure on what else to do or where to look until someone spoke up next to me.

"Be more confident."

"What?" I turned round to be faced with Stu, Daniel's personal trainer.

"Confidence." He repeated.

"I d-don't understand..."

"He wants to get to know you, you don't have to be nervous, or shy, trust me, it's been Becky this, Becky that, you've got this." He grinned at me, sliding back into his original seat just as Daniel came back, a flute of champagne in each hand.

"Thank you." I took the glass which was held out in his hand before he sat back down in the space next to me, which was previously preoccupied by Stu, his words still ringing in my ears. "Cheers?" I grinned, holding my glass out.

"Cheers." He knocked his flute against mine. "So, on a scale of one to ten, how off your face are you getting?"

"Barely even scraping a zero to be honest, I need to make a good impression." I sipped a mouthful of the expensive amber liquid, opposed to guzzling the entire flute down like I would if I was at home, trying to be posh.

"A good impression for who? These guys don't care."

"Well, for you? I guess." Does expensive champagne have more of a kick to it? I was not supposed to say that.

Definitely not supposed to let stupid things like that (no matter how truthful) come out of my mouth.

"For me?" He laughed. "Why would you need to impress me? I think your sound as it is." Shrugging, he took a large sip of champagne.

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