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Sorry that this has taken such a long, long time, I didn't mean for it too! But to make up for it, I have filled it with lots of cute, fluffy mush for you to sink your teeth into! And Dan on the podium at Hungary inspired me even more to finish the chapter finally! 

Important: I'm not too sure whether I like the name of this, so if you guys have any suggestions as to what else I could name it, please leave them in the comments or you can inbox me them! Or if you do like the name of it, tell me that as well! 

"Tonight was fun, thank you." I smiled up at Daniel, swinging our hands between us slightly.

We had just finished (our date?) dinner and were on the way back to the hotel. The rest of the time we had spent together just got better and better as we seemed to relax into one another. It just flowed more. Well, to be honest, I was the only one that was tense to start with, Daniel looked relaxed the whole way through.

It wasn't until our chat about random things was interrupted by one of the workers, we realised it was closing time and that we had sat there until the early hours of the morning, hence why we were walking in the pitch black, down the road back to the hotel.

Walking places seemed a lot less romantic when it was eerie and when you're scared of the dark. Not, that I would ever tell Daniel that I was scared. Nope. I didn't want to seem like a bigger idiot than I had already made myself out to be, because the idiot bar was definitely very high already.

"I'm glad you had fun." Daniel replied, squeezing my hand lightly. "Are you still up for dinner with the team on Sunday?"

"I'll have to check my schedule, but I might be able to fit you in somewhere."

"Might?" He laughed. "That's mean. I thought I'd be top priority over anything else in your schedule."

"What gave you that impression?"

"I'm not sure whether it was the drooling or the stuttering the first time we met, but it was definitely one of them."

I can't believe he just went there. He can't use my fangirl moment against me.

"That was mean." I stood still, exaggerating my lower lip to pout up at him, not that he could probably see in the dark.

"Just stating a fact." Daniel's grin only widened as he watched me.

"Well, it's a mean fact. And who knows, maybe I wasn't actually drooling over you." I raised my eyebrows, folding my arms over my chest and jutting out my hip.

"Oh yeah? And who exactly was you drooling over?"



"Yes. Simon. Your race engineer, remember?"

"I remember." Daniel nodded his head. "So," he muttered, running his fingertips up and down my forearms causing a shiver to run down my spine. "If you're into Simon, why did you agree to come out with me?"

"I, um, thought this was a group meal remember?" I bit my bottom lip, trying to focus on thinking and not Daniel's fingertips, which were now running up and down the entire length of my arms.

"I see." Daniel continued to mutter as he moved my hair to one side. "Why didn't you leave instead of putting up with me for hours then?" He further questioned as his hands finally stopped their torture and rested on my waist. I took a small breath to try and steady myself as I thought he had finished trying (and succeeding) to mess with me.

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