Ten (Final)

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Hello; I have returned to the planet of writing. Sort of.
So the plan of action for this book; this is the LAST chapter. I sort of started this without any direction on how or when it was going to evolve. And, unfortunately, I've reached the last chapter that I've planned for. However, I am planning on starting another one with Dan. It'll be a little less f1 surrounded though; I want to do something completely different to what's already been written. And I hope that this is the best way to do it. I'll post some more details after I've made a full plan and finished this one. So, for the final chapter of Just A Waitress...enjoy! .x.


Soon races were flying by. Russia, Spain, Monaco (although we like to pretend that never happened), Canada and Baku. And it was safe to say...there was a lot of mixed emotions through that month. Especially in Monaco. 

That race was like Voldemort; never to be named. 

And of course the biggest factor of Daniel's new teammate, Max. That surprised not only me and the entire paddock, but Daniel himself. Someone who knew how harsh Helmut could be, and he was still shocked. 

For the first few races after that decision, there was a strange eeriness surrounding the place. It was as if everyone knew what had happened was unfair but none of us were in a position to do anything. So we had to get on with our jobs. 

Fast forward through the next few races, and none of them got any easier. I was just hoping that we'd gotten past the worst of it, and from Austria onward, things would be, well, on the up. 

That's why in this two week gap between Baku and Austria, the factory was hectic. Not only was it Red Bull's own home race, Daniel had wanted more positive results which only meant more effort was needed from the guys here in the factory. 

Because they clearly didn't work hard enough as it is. 

Walking down the corridor towards the canteen, there was people everywhere. The rooms that were usually pitch black and closed, were brimming with people who were busy thinking of new solutions to different problems.

It made me feel slightly inadequate, standing here, waiting to serve them food. But I guess there needs to be a pecking order to maintain status quo. 

Daniel and I? Well, I wasn't really sure there. Was we officially together? No. Did we act like we were? Yes. 

Did it bother me? ...No.

Who was I kidding, of course it bothered me. I didn't know what it meant. Was he the type of person not to care about things like asking me to be his girlfriend? Did he already presume I was? What if he didn't even want me to be his girlfriend and I was just a friend who he occasionally made out with?

As you can see...I'm loosing my mind. 

What made the fact of me going completely crazy, was that I had to "act normal". I couldn't let on to anyone that my mind was whirling with these (slightly stupid) thoughts. I shouldn't be worrying about it, I know that. If only it was as easy to stop thinking about it as it is to say. 

And that's what I spent the whole shift doing, robotically plating up food while I thought over and over. But it didn't stop there. Of course not. Even after I changed back into my own clothing and was wondering down the corridor I was still in my head. 

It wasn't until I was pulled into the cleaning closet did I break out of those thoughts. 

"What the hell!" I shouted, whacking whomever it was that grabbed me. 

"Stop, stop, it's me!" Daniel spoke over me, grabbing my hands to stop me from hitting him further.

"What's the matter with you?! You couldn't have just asked like a normal person? Hey Lex, fancy coming in the closet with me? Sure Daniel, I'd love to. Wait, why don't you grab me while I'm walking down the corridor and you can hide in here like an idiot!" I exclaimed, hitting him on the chest for good measure.

"Because you would have obviously said no." Dan grinned at me.

I huffed, leaning back against the wall and looked up at him. "What is that you want from me anyway?" 

"I haven't seen you all day." He shrugged innocently. 

"I was coming to see you. You didn't have to abduct me into the cleaning closet." I laughed, moving to wrap my arms around his waist, head resting on his chest. 

"This is way more fun, don't you agree? Well...except the part where you hit me. Repeatedly."

"I thought you were attacking me!" I pulled back, looking up at him accusingly. 

"Well I'm obviously not." Daniel rolled his eyes at me playfully.

"I know that now." I huffed, folding my arms over my chest.

"I'm sorry." 

"Not good enough." I told him, shaking my head a little. 

Daniel stepped forward so we were chest to chest again, using his hand to tip my head up a little. "I'm sorry." He repeated, brushing his lips against my own. 

"I guess I can try to forgive you." I muttered before pressing my lips against his.

"As much as I'm enjoying this, it's not the actual reason I dragged you in here." Daniel broke away.

"No?" I pouted.

"I'm afraid not." Daniel ran his thumb over my jutted out, bottom lip. "I wanted to ask you something." 

"...Go on?" I raised my eyebrows up at him. 

"I just wanted to know if you'd be my girlfriend?" He interrupted me when he saw me going to speak. "Even if you are just a waitress." Daniel grinned cheekily. 

The End. 

Thank you so much to anyone who has read this, and waited so patiently for the last chapter to come out. Please continue to vote and comment on what you thought of this book!

Thank you so so much .x.

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