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When you see the Bahrain Grand Prix on TV you don't realise how hot it actually is. Sure, you see all the people sweating but it could never compare to how it actually felt. Stepping straight off of the aeroplane I realised that it was much, much more humid than I ever could have imagined.

It was sweaty.

So sweaty that my own sweat had sweat.

"Will you fan me?" I turned to my left to see Jenny, looking perfect as ever with no frizzy hair and not a bead of sweat in sight.

"No way. You look fine, if anyone needs fanning around here, it's me." I laughed, collecting my luggage as it came around.

"Well Daniel doesn't get here until tonight, so maybe then you'll have someone to fan you." Jenny smirked, grabbing her own bag as we made our way to the bus which would take us all to the hotel where the team (and the drivers) would be staying for the week.

"Jenny!" I whisper-shouted at her, looking around to see if anyone had heard her. Thankfully, everyone was still minding their own business.

"What? He publicly asked you out on a date, why do I have to be all hush hush for?"

"He did not ask me out on a date. He asked me to attend the group meal that he's throwing for the team. Those are completely different things."

"Has he told you this?"

"Told me what?" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I stared at her.

"Told you that it's a group meal and not a date." She explained patronisingly.

"No, why would he need to? I mean, it's pretty clear isn't it?" I laughed, clambering onto the bus.

"Umm, no?" Jenny shoved her suitcase into the shelf above before taking her seat next to me.

"It is, trust me. He doesn't want to date me. And if he was, if he was, then he wouldn't do it randomly in the middle of a cafeteria where I'm serving him his dinner!"

"Nobody said he's a romantic." Jenny shrugged, tapping away on her phone. "You would have thought so though, wouldn't you? I mean, he's got that...look about him."

"Look?" I questioned.

"You know, a romantic look. Sometimes, you look at people and you just know they'd be a romantic person and some, you just know they don't have a romantic bone in their body?"

"Umm, not really?" I laughed, shaking my head at her weirdness before turning my attention to the window to take in the sights of Bahrain as the bus started.


The rooms in the hotel's that we stay at will never fail to amaze me.

But, it was only the second Grand Prix that I had been too.

And while the rooms that were booked for us aren't the top end rooms that were available in such an expensive, fancy place like this hotel, the rooms that we did stay in (the cheapest available), were still pretty sweet because of that.

Walking into the foyer, you could see that this hotel was the perfect definition of 'expensive' and 'fancy'. Different to Australia, this hotel oozed the Arabian culture with specs of gold and silver filling the room.

And, it was no different entering the room. There was a beautiful piece of artwork hanging up behind the double bed, which I was happy to say was all to myself after Jenny and I had been given different rooms.

Definitely a better room than Australia.

Just don't tell Daniel that.

Not that he'd care what I think, let's be honest.

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