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Being back at the factory was weird, almost as though nothing had changed from when I got the news a month ago. The people here who I greeted as I made my way through to the canteen were still the same, the uniform, the smells, the process that Jenny and I went through.

The only thing that had changed was the craziness in my head; my thoughts whirling around and around in my head because of what Daniel had said since the last time we spoke to one another.

It wasn't awkward, at least I hoped it wouldn't be. But since the last time we met, our parting words were my stuttering, followed by one of his famous smiles and a goodbye.

The fact that he didn't think I was a weird stalker was a bonus, no matter how awkward it was for him to say what he thought of me. And at least he didn't tell me all the negative ones, because I'm pretty sure there are one or two. To say the least.

What I was most worried about is (if it wasn't awkward) if I'd made him feel uncomfortable by essentially forcing him to tell me. I didn't want him to think I was some kind of aggressive, bossy person. Because, in fact, I was pretty much the complete opposite.

I'm the type of person who says 'How high?' when asked to jump. Normally, I'm quite shy, and as a consequence of this, I act like an idiot around people, such as Daniel, most of the time I spend interacting with them. Jenny always suggests that it's cute, but it really isn't. It makes me feel like an actual idiot.

"Hello lovely, haven't seen you in a while." Jenny grinned, raising her eyebrows at me as I walked into the back room of the cafeteria where our belongings are usually locked away into our locker.

"That's because I've been avoiding you." I grinned, shoving my bag into the locker before walking back out with her trailing behind me.

"Mean." She pouted at me.

"Love you really."

"So, tell me what happened then? I haven't seen you since you left with Daniel Sunday night?"

"Why are you doing that?" I waved my hand in front of her face.

"Doing what?"

"The whole eyebrow wiggling thing. He walked me to my door and then he left. Nothing suggestive happened, like it ever would." I laughed, turning back to face the counter, stirring the large pot of beans which we served for breakfast.

"Please." Jenny rolled her eyes. "The only person he is interested in right now, is you. Trust me, I know."

"How could you possibly know? You've spoken to him, like once? There is no way you could possibly know."

"I just know, I can -"

"Just drop it, will you?" I slammed the ladle down on the side.

"Becks?" I heard Jenny ask, hesitantly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you." I mumbled, tipping my head back as I took deep breaths to try and calm down a little.

"It's okay. What's going on? Did he say something to you? Because if he did, I will kick his ass. I don't care who he is and -"

"No, no he didn't say anything. He's amazing, it's just me." I half-asked explained to her, not wanting to go over the same crap about how I wasn't good enough, how he'd never want to be with me. I just wanted to bury those deep, deep into my unconscious where they would never, ever come out again.

"'just me' is an amazing person. You need to remember that." She smiled. "Now, let's serve people sausages and I'll tell you about my Sunday night." Her smile only turned into a wider grin as she, presumably, thought back to Sunday night and whatever happened.

Just a Waitress (Daniel Ricciardo)Where stories live. Discover now