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From the moment Daniel and I made the agreement to meet up after work, the day couldn't have gone any slower.

Gone were the days where I would be overcome with nerves and anxiety. Sure, there was a few niggles in the back of my mind; there always would be. But, the more time we've managed to spend together, the more genuine I see he is. And now...now I'm filled with excitement as to where this is going to go.

Hopefully in a good direction.

The one problem with meeting up after work is that Daniel was now sat waiting for me. And I don't mean sat somewhere in the building waiting for me, no I mean sat directly in front of me.

Directly in front of me.

Jenny and I had almost finished our shift, and we're just cleaning up when Daniel came into the cafeteria and took a seat at one of the back tables, playing on his phone which just made me more self-conscious.

Maybe I should google how to look attractive whilst cleaning. I can guarantee that I wasn't looking in the least bit attractive right now.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Jenny asked as we finished up in the backroom, changing back into our own clothes.

"Will do." I nodded my head, pulling my hair out of my loose bun.

"Have fun tonight, yeah? Don't let any stupid doubts fuck anything up."

I grinned, nodding my head before pulling her into a quick, loose hug and grabbing my bag. I called out a 'see you later' over my shoulder as I left her to finish getting ready. Taking a deep breath, I checked myself in the reflection of the door then made my way through the door to see Daniel, stood waiting for me.

"Ready?" Daniel smiled down at me, slinging an arm over my shoulder after I had nodded my head and we made our way outside, the corridors rather bare which was typical for me (having to be one of the last ones here), but probably less so for Daniel.

"Did you want to take my car and I'll drive you back to pick yours later?"

Did he just ask if I wanted to drive in his Aston Martin?

Is the grass green?

Yes. Yes it is.

"Sounds like a plan." I shrugged, trying to play it off coolly while inside I was crapping myself. I quickly swiped my card before we left, making sure that it'd clocked out.


Daniel's hotel room was fancier than my entire apartment. And that was an understatement. There wasn't much too it, with it all being open but it was so much better than my bedroom and living room a.k.a. my home. Even though I wasn't living there as often now with being away half a week every few weeks.

"Just dump your bag wherever. I'll grab us a beer each and the controls for the TV are under the shelf." Daniel told me, squeezing my shoulder before making his way towards the area where the kitchen was located.

I put my bags down by the door, sliding my shoes off before making my way to the couch, picking up the controls.

What to watch?

Rom-com? Hate those.

Horror? Hate those.

Flicking through the themes, I finally clicked on action and pressed 'Captain America: The Winter Solider' quicker than I could blink.

Okay, so maybe it was my favourite film. And I had seen it over a hundred times but Daniel said I could choose, and I chose.

Let's just hope he doesn't hate it otherwise we may have problems.

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