Keep Holding On (Jacky Vincent/Fallin In Reverse Story)

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Before I get along with my life story let me introduce myself. I am Jessica Riley Hans, I’m 19, and hate my name so much…I lived with my mom in L.A. my mom Lauren has always wanted me to be the perfect little girl well she got me little Ms. Emo as everyone calls me. My mom has always talked about Arranged Marriages because she and dad had one. After I moved out last year my mom moved back to Georgia.  My dad died in a car crash on his many ‘get away from my wife’ rides he was hit by a drunk driver… I have a tattoo on my right wrist in his honor saying:

‘Michael Tyler Hans


Served His Country

Best father that a girl could ever have,

Always Remembered’

I have snake bites, and my eyebrow pierced and one more tattoo I got for my best friend that I had when I was visiting the UK, It was on my shoulder it was a guitar with the name Jacky Casey Vincent on the bottom. He and I promised to get them…for his tattoo for me it was supposed to be a microphone with my name going up the side and for him it was a guitar with his name rounding the bottom of it.


My parents fighting again I started crying as they ignored me I ran out of the hotel, when I stopped I was at a park I could hear someone playing a guitar as I just sat on the ground sobbing. Whoever was playing stopped, I looked up to see a guy. “are you okay?” he asked really quietly as I just looked at him. “were you play the guitar?” I asked as he smiled. “Yeah that was me.” I smiled, “I wanna become a singer.” He smiled, “maybe one day we’ll be in bands.” He said as I giggled. “I’m Jessica.” He smiled. “Jacky. I think I’ll call you Jess.” I smiled. “So you live around here?” I asked as he nodded. “you’re not?” I shook my head. “My daddy is in the military so we visit places when he’s home.” He smiled, “I’m glad you did.” I giggled softly. “So what kind of music do you like?” “Anything except pop and country.” I said softly. “Same.” I smiled. “Can we be friends?” I asked really quietly as he looked at me, “You really want to be friends with me?” he asked as I giggled and nodded.

~End Flashback~

I shot up sweating and panting, this dream I have it over and over again, I got up and got ready for work. I showered, got dressed in my ‘I’m Not A Zombie But I Feel Like On’ Falling In Reverse shirt, with my Super Ripped Skinny Jeans. I got my make up done as I put on my earings and Red Butter London Lippy Lip Gloss and headed into my room I put my Alice In Wonderland ‘Drink Me’ bottle necklace and key with a heart on it. I went back into the bathroom and straightened my Aubern Purple Hair as I was teasing it a little as my phone rang. I put my hairspray down and ran to my phone. “hello?” “Hey Jessica it’s your boss Maranda.” “Hey boss!” she laughed, “are you coming in today?” “yeah I still am why?” “Because Casey just told me she can’t make it.” “okay I don’t have a lot of appointments anyway.” She laughed.

“alright see you soon.” She said as I hung up. I grabbed my work shirt on my way out as I put on my heels. I grabbed my bag that had my sketch book and hair stuff in it and my panda hat. I work at a salon near my house I graduated Cosmetology school last year and got a job. I locked my door making sure I had my keys, my phone and my stuff. When I got to work it was busy as hell, I went straight to work; it was about 7pm when I got off work I put my bag in my car as I grabbed my V.I.P. pass to Falling In Reverse. I drove to the Venue as I was a tiny bit late hopefully they will let me in, I got out of my car putting my V.I.P. pass on I grabbed my phone and locked the doors to my car. I ran as I showed my pass they let me in as I got to the side stage I smiled. I danced around and sang with them as the girl next to me said, “You have an amazing voice.” I blushed. “Thanks.” She smiled as we both just began to dance and sing along.

When the concert was over the girl and I and a couple others got to go onto the bus after the signing I hummed Keep Holding On as the girl looked at me. We the band come into the living room part as I looked down to see myself in my work clothes, “Uhm, do you think I could come back? I am in my work clothes.” I blushed as Ronnie nodded as I ran off the bus and went to my can I quickly took off my work shirt with my Falling In Reverse shirt on underneath. I had fake nails on (They are now Neon Blue) now because business ended up slow in the afternoon, I put my Panda hat on as I ran off again as I went onto the bus. When I got on everyone looked at me as I blushed. “Sorry.” I said quietly as Ronnie laughed, “We were talking about what fans do.” I nodded. “What about you?” “I work at a salon, sometimes I go to uhm…Never mind.” I said as they all looked a me as I smiled. “So are you all in school?” I shook my head, “Graduated last year.” I told them.

“DO you guys get along with my parents?” most of them said yes till it got to me. “uhm…I did get along with my dad and my mom and I were never close since I was never the perfect daughter.” “Sibling?” Ron asked as I sighed. They all looked at me, “oh me first?” They all nodded, “Yeah my brother is in the Navy my little sister died when she was 4.” They all looked at me with sympathy. “it’s okay.” I said as they nodded. We still were talking as it was about midnight. “Time to go guys.” The manager said as I nodded getting off the bus I went to my car. I turned around as I saw Jacky. “What’s up?” “have we met before?” he asked softly as I shrugged. “I don’t think so.” He nodded as he handed me a piece of paper and left. I looked at him weirdly…Did I just get Jacky’s number?

Keep Holding On Short Story (Jacky Vincent/Fallin In Reverse Story)Where stories live. Discover now