Chapter 6- Tattoos, and OUR TERMS

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“Can I face chat?” he asked suddenly, “Yeah.” I said as I hung up as I closed my door as I heard Racheal. “That conversation is about to get serious.” I heard my brother reply, “She is going to be such a hypocrite if she goes through this.” He said as I looked at my hands. My phone rang as I answered, “hey Jacky.” I said as he looked at me. “Are you being serious?” I looked at him. “I just figured if we could do it on our terms, go on a few dates and see.” He smiled. “I’ll be there tomorrow.” He said as I smiled at him. “Jacky?” I asked as he looked me in the eyes. “Thank you.” I said as I kissed the screen as he smiled. “Bye Jess.” “Night Jacky.” I replied as he smiled one more time at me as I got off my bed as I opened my door to see my brother. “You have 6 seconds to run.” I said as he looked at me. “ha I’m not going to run.” I heard Racheal say, “You better.” My brother ran out of my apartment as I looked at Mr. and Mrs. Vincent. “Could you get my mother here tomorrow?” they nodded. “What’s going on?” she asked. “I’ll explain tomorrow.” I said, “If my bother doesn’t open his big mouth.” “I’ll take care of that.” Racheal said as she left.

“We better go too.” I nodded as I hugged them, “See you tomorrow.” I told them as they both smiled at me as they left. I got the chicken out of the oven; I ate put away the left overs and sat on my bed. I changed into my pajamas as I curled up on bed. When I woke my phone was going off the hook, “Hello?” I mumbled tiredly. “Hey wanna open the door.” I heard Jacky’s voice say as I groaned. “you have a key.” I said as he chuckled, “No your brother took it.” “I’m coming.” I said as I hung up. I looked at my phone it was only 1am. I opened the door as I let him in, “When did you get here?” “Just now.” I nodded. We went into my room and crashed. I woke as I groaned I felt like getting three for four tattoos today…I got on my stripped Bikini top with my Of Mice and Men Top, Purple skinnies and I put my converse on and perfume. I grabbed my make-up bag as I started to put it on when Jacky came in. “When is everyone coming?”

“Tonight. It gives me some time to get the tattoos I want done.” He chuckled, “What two (or one) isn’t enough?” I looked at him as he smiled. “No Jacky it isn’t.” He laughed as I handed him the three I printed out. One was a Skull and Roses Eric Quezada Death Mask, another was A woman with tattoos and black hair (I’m bad at descriptions please see External Link), and the last one Diamond Girl by Whitney Lenox. I finished my makeup Jacky was dressed. “Let’s get going.” He said as I nodded. “Do we provide dinner?” he asked as I laughed. We walked over there as he smiled at me, “What?” I asked as he just smiled, “Well since this is all going on will you go out with me?” I giggled as I hugged him. “I will.” I whispered as he smiled. “When do you have to be back?” “I have to fly out once we are done.” I nodded as we got to the tattoo parlor. I got my tattoo’s done as Jacky and I went out to Applebee’s. “What is going to be our terms?” I asked as he looked at me.

“We will have a date for the wedding just you and I will pick it out.” He said as I nodded, “I’ll move in with you in Vegas.” I said as he smiled at me. “We will date whenever we can.” I said as he nodded. We came up with a few more as we ate. I got my Skull and Roses tattoo done on my mid right forearm area, I got the Diamond Girl on my Left side, and the woman with tattoos on my left shoulder. I looked around as I saw my mom’s car like I did at the tattoo parlor. “I think my mom is following us.” I mumbled, “You noticed too?” I nodded as I got a box for the rest of my food. We went out as I knocked on the window; the window rolled down as I saw my mother. “You better go.” I threatened as he huffed. As I made my hand into a fist as she left. “What was that?” Jacky asked, “My mom is a pushy bitch.” I said as he laughed. We went to the house as Jacky and I started cooking for tonight. When 4pm came my brother, Racheal, and my mom where here we were just waiting on Jacky’s parents. “They are almost here.” He said as I smiled.

“Okay!!” I said as Racheal helped me set the table, When they got here Jacky and I put the food on the table as I sat down as they looked at Jacky and I. “Why are we here Jessica.” My mom said as Racheal hit my mom’s arm. “Racheal she deserves for than that for following Jacky and I all day.” Racheal turned to her. “I told you not to I’m just surprised that she didn’t punch you. “She left before I could.” I mumbled, “Anyway Jacky and I have set rules for the arraigned marriage.” My mom laughed as I looked at her and stood up. She got quiet, “We do this our way or not at all.” I threatened as my mom just shut up. I sighed as Jacky and I told our Rules:

Rule One: We will have a date for the wedding just you and I will pick it out

Rule Two: I’ll move in with you in Vegas, and will date

Rule Three: They will have no say in my dress or even wedding plans (except Racheal & Mrs. N’ Mr. Vincent)

Rule Four: They will leave us alone till we are ready to do this.


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