Chapter 5- Here is mom again, Maybe we should...

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“You evil child you corrupted your brother!” Mom yelled at me as she smacked me across the face. I yelped as I looked up my brother had her hand so she wouldn’t slap me again. “This is how you treat your own daughter? Just because she’s more like that than you?” Steven said as I got up, “I’m leaving.” I said as I wiped my eyes as I got into my car and drove back to my apartment as my phone went off. “hello?” I croaked. “Jess what happen?” I wiped my tears, “I’ll tell you on skype.” I said getting out of my car and up to my apartment. I logged on to Skype as I called Jacky, “Hey Jess…HOLY SHIT WHAT HAPPEN!” he yelled making the rest of the band (who look extremely tired come over. “My mom called me an evil child who corrupted my brother and hit my twice I think.” He shook his head. “Why would your mother do that to you?” they asked as I sighed. “Because I don’t want an arranged marriage.” I told them as they nodded. “Understandable.” They all said as I nodded. “but what really set me off was the fact that the guy she set me up with knew where I lived. My mother doesn’t even know where I live.” I said as they looked at me.

“He could be that stalker that was following you in 3rd grade.” I rolled my eyes, “Let’s hope not because that would be just creepy.” I said as they all laughed, “You guys look like you need to sleep, go sleep.” They nodded except Jacky who stayed online with me. We talked for a while before he went to bed.

In the morning there was a knock on my door as I opened it my mom was standing there with a couple standing behind her. “I thought I told you to never talk to me again or see me again.” I glared she pushed her way into my apartment as I was going to call the cops. “Don’t think about it Jessica.” “Then get out of my apartment.” I said as the couple looked at my mom. “You said that she was okay with this.” They had a British accent. “I’m never okay with her setting me up! She is so damned pushy I hate this!” I yelled as my mom squeezed my arm as I pushed her off. “Touch me again and I will call the cops on you.” She glared more at me as the man said, “Lauran why did you lie to us?” “Because I need her to get married.” I laughed, “You need me to get married. Bitch get married again and get out of my life!” I yelled as the couple looked at my mother. “We are leaving Lauran don’t call us till you tell us the truth.” They left as I called the cops. When the cops got here my brother was now here. “What happen? Why is mom getting arrested?”

“I’m getting a restraining order and charges.” My brother looked at me as did Racheal. “What did she do?” I showed them my arm, “and she was trespassing.” My brother got mad and broke my laptop. “WHAT THE FUCK!!! You are getting me a new laptop.” I growled as he glared at me. “And do not think I won’t bring you and mom to court.” He looked at me with wide eyes. “Why would you do that?” “Because I’m so sick of you and mom trying to ruin my life do you know how broken I was after dad died? HE was my only family that cared about me besides Racheal.” I said as he looked at me. “I cared.” “OH where were you when I broke my leg? Or where were you at my dance recitals and my gymnastics things. You were never there but Racheal was and so was dad.” He looked at Racheal. “You went to my sister’s dance and Gymnastics stuff?” She nodded, “This was before I met you I met you sister two years before I met you. “Your dad and sister both agreed to not tell your mom or you because of the fact that they got no free will.”

My brother’s jaw dropped, and he left… “Do you think he’ll be okay?” she asked as I shrugged. “we may not know till he comes back.” She nodded as she looked at me. “Let’s get food shopping you need to start making homemade meals.” I nodded. “Do you know how to cook?” I nodded, “My dad taught me and so did you.” She smiled at me as we went grocery shopping. We went back to my apartment put everything in the fridge as my phone rang, “Hello?” I asked, “hey Jess.” “Hey Jacky what’s up?” “nothing much just playing the guitar.” “And being Mr. Leave me alone?” he laughed at me. “Yeah I am.” “So my mom bursts into my house this morning with this lovely british couple. They knew my mom by her first name.” “could have been my parents they were going to see your mom.” “DO you think our parents were going to set it up so we do get married?” I asked as there was a long, long pause. “Now that I think of it…maybe…I’ll call my parents and get this sort.” “Thanks Jacky you’re the best.” I said as he laughed. “Yeah, yeah I better go before Ronnie kicks my ass.” He said shyly as I giggled, “Alright see you. OH you cannot Skype me my bother smashed my laptop to pieces.”

He sighed, “I’m sorry,” “its okay have fun with your friends.” He chuckled, “I’ll try.” I smiled as we hung up as I looked up at Racheal. “So what’s going on?” she asked me as I looked at her. “Jacky and I think that our parents are trying to get us married.” I said as she looked at me. “Seriously?” I nodded. “The only British people who liked my mom or at least pretended really good to talk to my mom was Jacky’s parents.” I said as Steven came back inside as he said, “Uhm there is a British couple by your door they wanted me to ask if it was okay.” I nodded, “Yeah its fine.” I said. He nodded as he left again. “What time is it?” I said as he left again I looked at the time it was about 4pm so I started to cook I got the Chicken out of the fridge as I put some lemon seasoning over it I heated the oven as I looked over to see the couple.

“Jess you are so grown up and beautiful.” I blushed “Thanks.” The woman smiled, “I’ll be right back Jacky is calling.” “SO I was right you are Jacky’s parents.” She laughed. “Yes your mom said that you and Jacky were wanting to marry.” I blushed, “No, no we haven’t we just started talking again…how does my mom even know…” I looked at my brother as he just left. “I swear my family is so messed up.” I said quietly as Mrs. Vincent laughed. “Honey we knew that since we met your dad. We aren’t big on arranged marriages but we think that you and Jacky would be pretty cute married.” I smiled. “Thanks but I just want to make my own path.” I said as she smiled. “I don’t blame you.” She said as I smiled. “Do you girls wanna help me cook?” They nodded. “Mrs. Vincent this is my sister-in-Law Racheal.” She smiled.

“I’ve seen you at Jess’s Dance recitals.” She nodded, “wait so everyone knew you before my mom and I did?” My brother said as Racheal shrugged, “You knew me too.” She said as she started cooking with myself and Mrs. Vincent. Mr. Vincent came in as my phone went off as I excused myself. “Hey Jacky.” “Hey.” He sounded more tired than before. “Did something happen?” I asked, “Just a long a very long conversation about us getting married.” “Uhm so your dad’s okay with this whole arranged marriage?” “He said mom thinks we would look good together.” I groaned. “Why does this keep happening…no offence.” I said he laughed. “None taking so what happen with the whole lap top thing.” I coughed. “Well my mom bursted into my apartment with your parents trying to set us up; my mom squeezed my arm so hard it has bruises. When my brother found out and smashed my laptop to pieces.” I said softly as he sighed. “Why don’t you move into my apartment I have extra room.” I sighed, “Do you think we should do this…but on our terms?” I asked he paused as I waited for my answer.

Keep Holding On Short Story (Jacky Vincent/Fallin In Reverse Story)Where stories live. Discover now