Chapter four

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Jacky and I hung out a bit more before he had to leave I sighed it’s about 4pm as I was bored as hell so I went on twitter:

Jessica Hans (@PicturePerfectuntillTheDayWeDie): After 12 years I finally found my best friend again <3

My phone beeped as I saw Jacky mentioned me in a tweet:

Jacky Vincent (@JackyCVincent): Thanks to @RonnieRadke I found my best friend @PicturePerfectuntillTheDayWeDie

I looked at Jacky  back as he just smiled at me and sat on the couch; as I laid my head on his shoulder, “Do you leave soon?” I asked as he sighed, “Yeah I’m leaving tonight.” He said softly I nodded as I got up and changed into my Cookie Monster Pajama’s as I put on my Batman hoodie as I went into the living room Jacky laughed at me shaking his head. I stuck my tongue out as I sat next to him and I cuddled into his side. “Do you have to leave tonight?” he chuckled, “No but I’ll have to wake super early.” I nodded, “I chose that instead of not hanging out with my best friend.” I said softly as we watched Nightmare Before Christmas (I’m freaking obsessed with the movie!!) I laid my head on Jacky’s shoulder as I felt myself drift off. I woke with someone shaking me. I looked up to see Jacky, “Will you drive me to the air port?” I nodded as I got up grabbing my phone and keys.

I drove him to the airport as Jacky put his hands on my face before kissing me, I blushed as I kissed him back as we pulled apart he was blushing like crazy but so was I. “Bye Jess.” I looked at him and hugged him. “By Jacky have fun and stay safe.” He smiled, “You too Jessica.” I nodded as we waved as he went over to the guys. I got back into my car as I remember this wasn’t the first time he’s kissed me….


(Jacky was 15 and jess was 9)

“Jacky.” I said sniffling as he looked at me. “What’s wrong Jess?” I started crying all over. “I’m moving back to the states.” I said softly as his features soften but he was angry. “Why! Why do you have to move!” he yelled as I looked at him with tears falling. “I don’t know my daddy just said we had to.” I cried as he held me. “I want to give you something to remember me by.” He said as I looked up at him. He kissed me as I just froze before I kissed him. “But Jacky you have a girlfriend.” I said softly as he kissed my head. “Always remember me Jessica.” I looked at him, “I wouldn’t ever Jacky.” I said softly as he smiled at me. We hugged again as his girlfriend came over.. “Hey babe.” She said as I looked at her. “Oh you’re here.” She said as I backed away a little as Jacky looked at her. “Of course she’s here She’s one of my best friends.” His girlfriend just rolled her eyes. “I have to start packing anyway Jacky…Bye.” I said softly as I heard Jacky and his girlfriend fight..

-end flashback-

I snapped out of it when my phone beeped, I looked at it, I was mentioned in a tweet by Jacky.

Jacky Vincent (@JackyCVincent): I had to leave my best friend @ PicturePerfectuntillTheDayWeDie sadly but she better skype me later >.<

I laughed as I shook my head as I left the airport by the time I got home it was 4am as I went back into my apartment I locked the door and crawled back into bed passing out. I woke to someone shaking me I looked up to see my brother. “What’s up?” “Why are you sleeping so late I called almost 20 times” I groaned. “What time is it?” I asked, “2pm.” I nodded. “I got to sleep at 4am I had to drop Jacky off at the airport.” My brother nodded as I got up and into my bathroom with some clothes. I showered and got dressed into my Superman shirt, Superfine Mr Skinny Degrade Mid-rise jeans (See external link) I got my make-up done I went into my room getting my Graceful Individual Buckles High Heel Boots (red to match my skinnies) on as I finally got my Killer Panda Free Huges reversible Hoody on as I went into my kitchen as I got my phone as I tweeted back Jacky.

Jessica Hans (@PicturePerfectuntillTheDayWeDie): Maybe bestie but I’m debating:P sleep well Jacky!!

I put it in my pocket as I saw Racheal cooking. “I have food? Since when?” I asked as they looked at me. “Wait…you mean you don’t have food in your apartment?” I shook my head and shrugged. “I usually go out for food. Or Racheal brings me home cooked food.” I said as my brother shook his head as I smiled. “Well I usually need someone to cook for so I either come here or she comes over usually I just bring food over but once in a while she comes over.” I nodded. “I have to time to time I mean dad bought that house we grew up there.” I said as my brother chuckled. “I Remember one time you spill coke everywhere.” I blushed, “Shut up Steven you’re the one who bumped into me.” I said as my phone beeped I looked at it was a text from Jacky telling me to get my but on Skype.

I opened my laptop as he looked at me and smiled, “Hello good sir.” I said as he laughed, “What’s up?” I asked as he shook his head. “Nothing much you?” “I’ve been up a good 20 minutes. You?” He chuckled, “I haven’t slept yet” I shook my head. “Why?” He smiled, “I’ve been busy.” I playfully glared as I heard a ‘OOOO’ in the background as I laughed. We talked a good hour before he had to go. “Go sleep.” I said as he nodded. “I’ll text you later.” He mumbled as we signed off. I closed my laptop as Racheal and my brother looked at me. “What?” I asked as they looked at the T.V. again as I shook my head as I opened my fridge as I grabbed a monster. I opened it as I grabbed my plat as I warmed it. “Mom’s going to be in town tomorrow.” My brother said. “Oh isn’t that just great.” I said sarcastically. My brother looked at me, “give mom a break.” I looked at him… “GIVE HER A BREAK!!! SHE’S RUINED MY LIFE!!!” I screamed as him as he looked at me. “But you wouldn’t know!” I yelled as I got my phone as I left.

I went to my work as my boss saw me as she raised her eyebrow, “I need to work all day tomorrow.” I said as she had a look of confusion on her face. “why what’s going on?” “My mom is coming into town.” She nodded. “you’ll be booked tomorrow.” “Thanks.” My boss has met my mom before she absolutely hates her.” I went back to my apartment as my brother looked at me as I said.. “I have to work tomorrow some customers are complaining about other people working on them.” He got his phone out as I texted my boss quickly. I opened the fridge as Racheal came over to me; “Why do you hate your mom that much?” She asked as I looked at her as I got another monster. “Look you and my brother agreed with my mom with the whole arrainged married shit. My parent’s HATED one another but you and my brother wouldn’t know that you both never saw mom and dad the way I did. My brother remembers them happy as fuck but around me since I was never like you I’m more like my dad.”

“My dad has always wanted to fall inlove on his own he never told grandpa that cause grandpa hated it and I swear to god if my mother has set up more arrangements I will flip. I hated stuff arraigned for me.” My brother looked at me. “Mom and dad were in love with one another.” I looked at him. “Only when their perfect son was home.” I said as his jaw dropped as he looked at me. “Even ask mom she’ll tell you now please get out.” I said as they both left as I locked my door. I texted Jacky as I grew bored. There was a knock on my door as I opened it a guys stood there. “uhm hi?” He smiled “Your mom sent me.” I shut the door in his face, locked it. I called Steven, “yeah?” “I’m going to kill our mother.” I said as he laughed. “I’m coming over.” I heard him gulp as I opened my door. “get out of my way.” I snarled at him as he moved I locked my door as I got in my car and went to my brothers house.

They were about to leave as I got out as my mother smiled, “You bitch!” I yelled as she got wide eyed. “NEVER talk to me again, NEVER come by my house and NEVER SET ME UP!!!!” I screamed as my mom slapped me. “I wouldn’t have to if you were like your brother. He’s the perfect son we could have asked for.” She said as my brother looked at my mom as he said. “Mom you need to leave trust me I’m not perfect hell I hated you sometimes.” He said as my mom got wide eyed as she stood there.

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