Chapter 3- Remembering, Time with Jacky

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I just got home I hung out with Racheal and My brother all day after the beach the Falling In Reverse guys had to leave for a band meeting. I opened my door to my apartment as I walked in and set my stuff on the floor. I changed into my Elmo pajama’s as I laid on my couch as I turned on my T.V. as I checked my voicemail. “Jessica Riley Hans Answer your phone when I call your brother is back and I will call him tonight.” She hung up as I rolled my eyes, “I knew that already.” I whispered as I watched Supernatural reruns as I was stoked for the 9th season. My phone rang as I saw it was my boss, “hey!!” “hey she laughed, “Could you come down to the Salon I am having a meeting with all staff.” “Yeah I hope you don’t mind me in my pajama’s.” She laughed, “Not at all.” I smiled as we hung up as I grabbed my Pierce The Veil hoodie as I put my phone in the pocket and grabbed my keys.

It was warm out so I ran to the salon as I got there, I went inside as my boss just laughed at me. “Elmo good choice.” I shrugged, “Tomorrow it’ll probably be Cookie Monster.” She smiled, “Alright tonight I’m putting more rules down.” She said as I looked at her, As I raised my hand. “What?” she laughed, “Well my brother just got home and he’s leaving on Tuesday and I was wondering if I could take one of those days off.” she held up her hand, “I’m getting to that part.” “NO one who shows up to work that doesn’t have the time off will work, if it is an emergency fine but if you lie just because you want the day off consider your-self fired. If you guys don’t show up on time CALL IN!” “And Jessica your brother did stop in and I know the situation you have the time to take off more time than you should so you are getting the week off.” I nodded, “Thanks!” she laughed, “Alright you can go home.”

I ran back home as I saw Jacky standing by my car, “Stalking me much?” I laughed as he smiled, “No I wanted to talk Jess.” I nodded as we went up to my apartment. “Jessica, I know…Ronnie told me.” I looked at him as I looked at him confused. “How?” I asked as he smiled, “I met this little girl she was 7 and I was 12…” he said. “Oh…Oh my god Jacky!” He laughed as I hugged him. “Yeah it’s me Jess.” I started crying like a baby. He just held me like he did on the first day. “I can’t believe your dad died.” He said softly as I looked at him. I sniffled, “Did you know he wanted you to bring me to prom?” he laughed, “I was going to till my parent’s made other plans.” I nodded as I looked at him. “you know I never forgot you I had dreams well more like memories every night.” He nodded, “Same. I also had some nightmares about never seeing you again.” I nodded, “Did you want to stay or do you have to go?” “I have to go, but tomorrow I’m not doing anything.” I nodded, “Alright just come over when ever…” I handed him a key to my apartment, “This isn’t safe you know.” I looked at him.

“As long as your not a stalker I’m fine.” he laughed and nodded. We hugged again before he left. I turned off the T.V. and went to bed. In the morning I was really warm…I’m never this warm. I opened my eyes to see Jacky. I jumped as he looked at me, “sorry.” “Next time wake me up.” he laughed, “okay.” He just smiled as I groaned, “Let me get showered and dressed before we go anywhere.” He nodded, “You can watch T.V.” “Okay…Don’t you have work?” I shook my head, “My boss gave me the week off since my brother’s home.” He chuckled, “I like your brother he reminds me of your dad.” I smiled,  “I know.” I grabbed clothes and ran into my bathroom I took a quick shower making sure my arm didn’t get wet, as I got out I changed into my Yoshi shirt my bright blue Rag & Bone Mid-rise Skinny jeans I got my make up on as I went into my room getting my courage wrap bracelet on as I got my Beanie putting it on I decided to wear my red bandana around my neck.

Once I got that one I put on my glasses put my Locket on, it was a rose it had a picture of my brother an sister. I put on my dad’s wedding ring, my mom hated that my dad wanted me to have it he gave it to me for my prom because I always wore it when I could anyway he let me have it. I got my heels on as I went out to the living room. “You wanna go out to eat for breakfast?” he nodded, “Your brother can come too.” I nodded as I texted my brother. “Ihop here we come!!” he laughed at me as I smiled. “I wanna do something with your hair.” I told him as he looked at me. “Why?” I smiled “I want it to be darker I think dark hair looks good on you.” He laughed.

“Maybe later.” I nodded as we went out to my car, “did you get dropped off?” He nodded, “Ronnie had Crissy and Willow over to visit.” “Fun.” He shrugged as we drove to Ihop. I saw my brother and Racheal, “hey guys.” Is said as they smiled at me, “Hey, thanks for inviting us…oh who’s this?” Racheal asked as I smiled. “My best friend, since I was 7.” “The guy dad was always wanting you to get together with?” I blushed as I punched my brother. “Your wearing a ring of dad’s too?” he asked as I nodded. “Alright I’m hungry Lego!” “You and your Yoshi!” my brother said as I rolled my eyes. Jacky walked in beside me as we got seated I sat next to Jacky; “so how did you guys meet?” my brother asked as we ordered drinks, “Mom and dad were fighting on that trip to the UK. And they ignored me and ignored me as I gave up I was sobbing and I ran to the park were Jacky here was playing the guitar and BAM instant friends.” “How old are you Jacky?” “25 almost 26.”

I smiled at my brother as he shook his head, “Don’t give me that Steven you and Racheal are almost 6 years apart.” My brother blushed as I smiled, “Always win!” I said as Jacky smirked, “not always.” “Give me a break it’s not my fault that I couldn’t play guitar.” He laughed, “True your singing is way better.” I laughed and smirked. “What are you going to be doing since your home?” Racheal smirked, “He’s going shopping with me.” Jacky and I looked at one another as we held in our laughter. “What are you going to be doing today?” “Spending time with my best friend DUH!” my brother laughed. We ate as I hugged my brother, “Enjoy your day with your woman.” He smiled at me and shook his head. “Shut up Jess. Love you have fun.” He kissed my head as Jacky and I left. “Made up your mind yet?” I asked as he nodded. “Let’s do it.” I smiled as we got in my car as we headed to the salon I work at.

When we got there as we went inside, “Jessica your not supposed to be here.” I smiled, “I know but I wanna work on my best friends hair.” She came in, “no Elmo pajama’s?” I smiled, “it’s not bed time.” Ilaughed, “Yeah we’re not busy right now.” I nodded as I looked at Jacky’s hair as I trimed it a little and dyed it a little darker. “Thanks Jess.” I smilled at him, “no problem Jacky.” He smiled as he paid as I rolled my eyes as we went to the park. “So what are you doing next?” I asked as he looked at me. “We are doing mini concerts soon.” “fun!!” he laughed. I jumped on Jacky’s back as he held my legs, “what about your car?” “We’ll be back for it.” I said as he nodded we walked around for a bit till we bumped into Ronnie.” I jumped down as I smiled. “Thanks Ronnie.” He smiled, “I had to I couldn’t let one of my best friends/brothers be depressed.”

I looked at Jacky as I pushed him, he laughed. “When did you get so abusive.” He fake cried as I looked at him as I laughed. “Shut up Jacky.” He smiled as we looked at Ronnie again. “I haven’t seen him talk this much.” “I can get Jacky to do a lot of things you can’t.” I smiled “Though I have read some of those fan fictions between you guys.” They both looked at me. “What I looked you up and it just popped up.” they shook their heads as I smiled. “You love me.” “Well we need to get your car see you later.” Jacky said as I waved. We got my car and went into my apartment and watched T.V. for a while. “So what now?” I asked as he looked at me. “tell me what happen to your sister?” I looked at him, “She had cancer.” He frowned as he hugged me. “I’m sorry Jess.” I shrugged. “It’s okay I have her with me.” I said softly as I opened the locket as he smiled. “What are you doing for thanksgiving?” I shrugged, “probably going to Georgia.” His face crinkled, “come with me, we can see my dad together.” He nodded. “If I can I will.” He said softly as we hugged. It’s amazing to have my best friend back…I’ve never been this happy…

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