Chapter 9

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-4 months after honeymoon-

Jacky quit the band, but he was doing amazing for himself he has a CD out guesting for bands. I on the other had am a nervous wreck. I was waiting on the hospital to call me for some results. Yeah yeah I know oh I best she is pregnant. Well maybe maybe not I don't know. I heard my phone go off. "Hello?" I asked softly as I heard, "hello this is Dr. Heather Morris calling about your results. You are about three months along."

My jaw dropped, "how can I not know I was that far along?" the doctor chuckled. "It actually happens more than you think. But I would like to schedule an appointment for you to come in. Is tomorrow okay?" "yeah. Its fine. See you tomorrow." I said as I hung up. I sat on the bed speechless, I heard the door open as I looked up to see Jacky. "Everything okay?" he asked. "I just got off the phone with the doctor." he sat next to me grabbing my hand so he could hold it. "I-I-I'm three months along..." he looked confuse for a minute before he smiled hugely. "We are having a baby?" I nodded as he kissed me passionately.

"That makes me happy baby." Jacky put his forehead on mine and smiled. "I have good news also." I looked at him cocking my head slightly. "I made a new band. Cry Venom. You will meet the members later." I nodded as I smiled softly. "I have an appointment tomorrow if you can make it." he nodded and laid me down. I cuddled into him. "Today is a good day baby." he mumbled in my hair rubbing my stomach.

I nodded, as he played with my hair, "you know I never thought we would be married. I thought I would never find you; my parents love you the old band loved you i hope this new band loves you. I never been so happy before unless I was around you." I blushed softly. "Jacky you have no idea-" I was cut off by the doorbell. "I will get it." I told him as I went to the door I opened it to see a group of people. "Is Jacky here." I nodded. "Baby your band mates are here!"

He come out of the bedroom as he smiled, "everyone this is my wife Jessica. Jessica this is the bassist Niko Gemini, keyboardist Colton Majors, lead vocalist Aleksey Smirnov, and drummer Wyatt Cooper."

I waved "you guys hungry? Thirsty?" I asked as they nodded. "Alright I will make lunch you guys do whatever." Jacky smiled as he took them to the living-room. I cooked as they chatted away, when I was finally done we ate and they all including Jacky left. I started laundry when there was a knock on the door. "Hey Jessie..."

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