Chapter 7

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My mother just laughed her ass off at me, “I’m being serious.” “How can we not get involved you guys need to plan everything.” I looked at her than at my brother. “I’m staying out of it I swear I’m just glad you accepting this on your terms.” I nodded as Mr. and Mrs. Vincent just smiled, “Just tell us when the wedding is.” Mrs. Vincent said as we all looked at my mom who was just in shock. “How can you just let them do this their own way!” my mother screamed as Jacky and I looked at one another. “How can you just sit there and act that you didn’t expect this from me?” I asked as she glared at me. “Do it see what the cops do to you this time.” I glared back as she just sighed. “Fine.” she said as she gave up. “Don’t even think about getting a private detective it still counts as butting it.” She glared as she looked away. “I’m so happy!!” Mrs. Vincent said, “Tell me when you want to plan and I’ll Skype or fly back.” I smiled at her, “And I’ll drive out, though I have a feeling I’ll be with you every time Jacky leaves since Steven has to go back early.” I looked at my brother who nodded.

I hugged him as he sighed, “I’ll miss you every time I come back.” “Well let’s hope you’ll be back soon.” He smiled at me. “We’ll see.” He said as I nodded. “Should we pack now?” Mr. Vincent said as I looked at Jacky who nodded. “You can follow my parents to the house.” I nodded as he kissed my cheek. “But as for me my dad can take me to the airport. I nodded as we walked to his dad’s car. I kissed him softly as he smiled at me; “I’ll see you soon okay?” I nodded, “Don’t forget to tell your band.” He chuckled, “I won’t I’ll see you later.” I waved as I went back up to my apartment as he and his dad got into the car. I bite my lip as I smiled. I got to my apartment as I hugged my brother; “Stay safe.” “I will.” He said as I giggled. I waved as Racheal and him left. My mom just sat there looking out the window as I started packing with Mrs. Vincent. “Think your mom will be okay?” She asked softly. “Probably not she does this when she doesn’t get her way.” Mrs. Vincent laughed quietly as we packed everything in my kitchen. “So do they all live together?” I asked as Mrs. Vincent looked at me.

“Well Jacky is the only one left in the house since the rest of them live with their girlfriends.” I nodded as we continued packing. We got everything in the kitchen packed when Mr. Vincent got here. “What do we need to do? And if your mom okay?” I looked over at her as I nodded.  “I’ll talk to her.” Mrs. Vincent said as I nodded. “I wish you the best of luck.” She just smiled at me as she went over there she touched my mom’s shoulder as she jumped. Mr. Vincent and I started to pack as I stopped, “I have to go talk to my apartment manager.” He nodded as I headed downstairs. I was going to move soon anyway to get away from my mom so I grabbed the two week notice as I went downstairs. “Hey!” I said as my manager looked at me. Her apartment door was opened as she smiled, “hello sweetie, you finally getting out of here?” I nodded, “Here, and I showed my mom up my best friend and I did our own rules for our arranged marriage.” She smiled, “Good for you sweetie. I’ll sure miss you.” I smiled, “I’ll write and keep you updated.” She smiled. “Alright I better go so I can get out and get the apartment super clean.”

She laughed as she hugged me, I hugged her back as I pulled away and walked out I saw her grandkid run inside, her daughter is 23 and already as an adorable son. “Hey Jess!” I smiled at her. “Hey Randy,” “I heard what you said, I’m proud of you.” I smiled at her, “Thanks, but you better get into the apartment before your mom gives him a lot of Candy.” She laughed, “That’s true but she’s my mom she’ll do it anyway.” I smiled, “Lucky to have a mom like that.” She smiled at me. “You’re like a little sister since you’ve moved here so I think she conceders you like a younger daughter.” I smiled. “Maybe.” I said softly to her as she smiled. “I’ll see you when I come back. Make sure your mom comes up when we leave I’ll text you when.” She nodded as I went upstairs. I was my mom leaving as I got out of her way I went inside my apartment. “She okay?” Mrs. Vincent sighed.

She doesn’t like the fact you’re excluding everyone from this who deal.” I shrugged, “I have to be free sometime and Jacky and I have been friends for a long time…I always felt a connection to him though I never said it but there was those times I thought he felt it too.” She smiled at me as I sat on the counter with my notebook. “What’s the notebook for?” Mr. Vincent asked. “Planning I just want to get ahead you know?” He nodded as he smiled. “My wife did the same thing.” I looked at Mrs. Vincent as she smiled at me. “I’ll have to make a call to Jacky later but I think I know what I want.” They both laughed as I smiled. When we were done packing for the night they went to their hotel as I sat on my couch and watched some TV waiting for Jacky to get off the plane. I texted Jacky for a while till he said that he needed to put it away. I planned everything already from my dress down to the colors and decorations.

I just laid on the couch smiling to myself, I think marrying Jacky would be and is the best. He’s my best friend and I’m falling hard for him.

-Skipping 4 months (sorry)-

I was in a wedding dress place as I was with Mrs. Vincent, Racheal, Crissy, Jenn, and a couple other band members’ girlfriends. “I’m so excited for you you’re going to be married next month.” I blushed, “I know I couldn’t ask for anyone better to be married to.” I said as they smiled, “Even though you guys have been dating for a couple months.” Crissy said as I looked at her, “Though I’ve been friends with him almost my whole life.” She giggled at me as a woman came. “Hello my name is Gina where is the bride.” I got up and smiled at her, “I’m Jessica.” “Well hello Jessica” She asked for what I was looking for at this point I changed my mind for everything. She asked for the price range as Mrs. Vincent said, “We don’t have one set.” I looked at her as she smiled at me. Gina took me to see the dresses as we grabbed some dresses and went into the back room. I tried on a lot of dresses but when I got into the last dress it fme just perfect I loved the way it fit me. The embroidery was beautiful and I just teared up a little as I smiled. “Ready to show your friends and family?” I nodded as I walked out as I saw Mrs. Vincent smiled and tear up. “You look so beautiful.” I smiled. “Next month you’ll be walking down the Aisle looking beautiful as ever.” I started crying as she hugged me. “Thank you.” I sniffled as she smiled at me.

“You look beautiful.” I heard as I turned to see my best friend Elliot! She looked at me as I laughed, “Don’t give me that look Elliot!!” I said as I put my hands on my hips making her laugh. “Elliot? Isn’t that a boy’s name?” I heard one of the girls ask. Ellie looked at her as I stepped in front of her, “Chill my maid of honor she is right.” “You said that when we were assigned partners in school.” I smiled, “Not my fault you started a fight with me!” “You’re the one who got us detention.” I laughed, “True enough. Anyway, Ellie this is my soon to be mother in law Mrs. Vincent, my friends Racheal, Crissy, Jenn, Jessie, Allie, and Kaylie my bridesmaids. Everyone this is my best friend from high school and still is my best friend Elliot but call her Ellie.” I said as everyone smiled.

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