Chapter two-Meeting at the Beach, Football, and My brothers home!!

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When I woke it was about 1pm, I didn’t have to work today so I figured I would go to the beach and also get a tattoo for my brother and my sister also. I got up put on my Greenish teal colored bikini that I bought at Victoria Secret, I put my shorts over it and my Mermaid shirt (See External link). I got my Tkees flip flops on as I grabbed my Snow White hobo bag and put my towel in it and my sketch book. Once I was ready I grabbed my phone and my keys as I locked my door as I texted Jacky.

Me: Hey Jacky I met you last night at the V.I.P. Meet and Greet and yeah…Oh My name is Jessica by the way.

I got in my car and went to a tattoo shop as I went inside the girl smiled at me, “hi how can I help you?” “I was wondering if I can get two tattoo’s today.” She nodded as she nodded. “Do you have a picture or something?” I shook my head, “Could I borrow paper?” I asked as she nodded. I put,

‘Maria Rosalie Hans

July 4, 2008-September 8, 2012

“Sissy have I ever told you that I love you”

In memory, in my heart forever’

For my brother I wrote down,

‘Steven Nathen Hans

Serving our country, please stay safe

“You’re a great little sister always remember I love you”’

She smiled sadly at me as I just smiled once she took a measure of my forearm before she went back and drew it up my phone dinged as I saw Jacky texted me back.

Jacky: I was wondering if you would text me ever…I’m sorry about last night…that was weird of me…

Me: It’s fine I promise:3

After I sent it I waited for about an hour as she came out she sat me down she put the trace on my right forearm as I nodded as she started I texted Jacky for a while as an hour or two went by as she was done, “Thank you.” I said softly as she smiled, “come back any time.” She said as I paid her. When I got to the beach I laid my towel down as I got my sketchbook out as I started sketching the beach. After about a half hour went by I was hit by a football on my hand, I breathed in as I looked at my sketch book that was laying in the sand. “Oh shit I’m so sorry!” I looked up to see Ronnie! “Oh it’s okay,” I said as I looked over at my sketch book again as I saw Jacky getting it out of the sand, “Wow your amazing.” Ryan said a little too hyperly as I looked at him as he showed me the beach. I nodded as they began to flip through I took it from them.

“Please don’t look through my sketch book!” they looked at me with wide eyes as I blushed, “it’s like my diary except in picture form.” They nodded. As I handed them their football back; “thanks.” I nodded as Jacky sat next to me as he asked, “New tattoos?” I nodded. “For my brother and sister.” He nodded as he smiled at me. “You can’t go swimming.” He said as I smiled, “I know but I’m kind of okay with it.” I said as he laughed. “So when does your brother get home?” “In four months I think.” He smiled. We talked for a while.

“Do you play football?” Ryan asked, “I have an older brother of course I do.” They laughed, “And I MADE my dad put me in football.” They raised their eyebrows, “What I was 9! I thought football was the coolest thing ever!!” they all laughed as Ronnie handed me the football as I threw it as Ron caught it. We switched places as I playfully pushed Jacky as he laughed, “I have a feeling we’ve met.” I said as he laughed, “But you said last night we didn’t.” I shrugged, “That was before I actually talked to you.” I said as he nodded. Ron threw it as I pushed Ryan out of the way as I caught it. “HA!” I laughed as Ryan playfully glared at me. I took off my shirt and an shorts as I was now in my Bikini; “OO now she is serious!” I heard as I looked over to see…my brother, “HOLY SHIT!!” I screamed as I ran over to him and hugged him. “you’re supposed to be home in four months.” I whispered as I hugged him. “I lied to surprise you, I knew you would be at the beach.”

I laughed, “come on I’ll introduce you.” “Falling In Reverse this is my big brother Steven.” “I’m Jacky.” “Ronnie,” “Ron,” “Ryan.” “Derek.” They said introducing themselves as my brother smiled, “I know I’m a fan.” I smiled. “How’s Rachel?” I asked as he laughed, “Fine just found out we’re having a baby.” “Awe!!” “How’s mom?” he asked as I shrugged, “Well since your in your swimming trunks let’s play?” my brother smirked. “tackle?” he asked, “On the beach?” I asked as my brother laughed, “Yeah.” “Okay let’s do this.” We looked at the band as they smiled. “but we have an odd number?” Derek said as I smiled, “Be the ref.” Derek nodded as he stood at the side of the beach.

As we played football my Brother and I were against one another as I smiled I had Jacky and Ronnie on my team and my brother had Ron and Ryan on his as we played my phone went off. I timed out as I looked to see who it was. It was mom….I ignored it as I ran back to the game my brother grabbed my right hand as he saw my tattoos. He hugged me as he forfeited the game. I pouted as my brother laughed. I hugged Jacky and Ronnie as they laughed, I got my shorts and my shirt as I moved my hair out of the way I heard Ronnie cough. I jumped as he looked at me, “Why do you have Jacky’s full name on your shoulder?” He asked as I looked at him confused, “What?” he shook his head, “What’s your full name?” “Jessica Riley Hans.” He nodded as he left.

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