Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sound of talking.

I opened my eyes slowly, to discover that I was in my bed, at home.

Huh, I wonder why I'm here.

Then all flooded back.

I sat up quickly, only to lie back down again due to the sudden pounding in my head. The talking outside stopped and I heard some shuffling before Nate and Mike walked in. They're may be five years' difference between the two, Nate being sixteen and Mike twenty-one, but that moment, they might as well have been the same person, the look on their faces and the way their bodies were all tensed up was the exact same.

"So," Mike started, "How are you feeling, Clarissa?"

"Fine, really," I said, "Discovered I can't sit up or I'll get the worst headache in the universe."

Just like that, relief visibly washed over them. The relaxed, and Nate actually smiled.

"Well, that's good. I'm gonna tell you right now, I had to give you stitches in your leg, and you'll need crutches for a couple of week. Moving your leg around could tear them out. I'll get some for you in a bit. Meanwhile, you are staying in bed. I'll bring you something to eat later. You lost a lot of blood."

He turned and left, probably to get me the food he mentioned, while Nate walked forward and kissed me on the forehead.

"How long was I out," I asked.

"A few hours," he said, "When you passed out in the car, Mike went nuts. We got you in the house and laid you on the floor. I stayed with you while he got his medical stuff and would've stayed with you the whole time if your brother hadn't shooed me out. He also relocated your nose. Apparently that's what happened, and maybe an hour later we brought you to your bed and you've been sleeping since."

"What time is it?"

"Mmmmm, ten thirty? Eleven? Somewhere in that range."

"Shouldn't you be going home, then?"

"Nah, I already called my parents. I'm staying here tonight."

I thought for a second, just staring at his face. Then something caught my eye.

"I'm sorry."

He looked surprised. "For what?"

"Punching you in the face earlier. I broke your glasses."

"Oh," he said, removing them. "Its fine, I mean, I guess I deserve it. The whole point of me being in Jason's group is to protect you and while you were seriously hurt I was out cold."

"Hey," I said, placing my hand on his cheek, "It's not your fault. I don't think there's anything you could've done. You'll always be my knight in shining armor," I added, grinning.

"Thanks, Clarissa." Then he leaned down and kissed me.

We broke apart a second later when Mike opened the door to my room. "Alright, I've got two bowls of chicken noodle soup and three grilled cheese sandwiches 'cause I know how much my baby sister loves my sandwiches," he exclaimed, grinning like an idiot.

I laughed, "You are an amazing cook, Mike," I said, accepting my tray and handing the other to Nate.

"Why, thank you," my brother said, doing a stupid little bow. "Now eat up! I've got to go and get your crutches. I'll convince my professor somehow to give the pair he keeps in his office for emergencies. I think this qualifies."

When he left Nate and I ate and goofed off. Well, more like Nate goofed off and I laughed at the awful impressions he was doing of our teachers. Eventually we grew tired, and I moved over in to allow Nate to lie down next to me. A couple minutes later I was fast asleep.

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