Chapter 21

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I was cold, alone, and in the dark.

I'd woken up to find myself back in the call from before. Every inch of me was on fire. I had permanent tear stains down my face. I didn't have enough energy to pull myself out of the fetal position I'd woken up in. I vaguely acknowledged the fact that my ankle was shackled again, but my hands were left free. I was wearing my t-shirt again, but the fabric stuck to me with sweat and only aggravated the wounds on my chest more. I couldn't string a coherent thought together if I tried.

I had no idea how long I'd been here. Days? Weeks? Months? I couldn't really care, either. I was broken. He'd finally done it. There was nothing left for me beyond the metal door.

I heard said door open, but couldn't quite comprehend it. Who was it this time? I felt a sharp kick to my back, but I was numb. I just curled tighter in on myself.

I heard a low laugh, and my eyes shot open. He was in here with me, alone. I curled tighter, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Pathetic." I tried to block it out, but that was nothing I hadn't been thinking for years.

"You're weak. You couldn't fight. How else did you think this was going to end?" Make him go away, make him go away!

I heard a shuffling of feet, and then pain exploded in my chest, charring my already fried nerves. He must have kicked me again.

I whimpered as he laughed and left the room. I unknotted myself slightly, still in my little, protective ball. Why does this happen to me? Why am I always getting hurt? Why?

I fell asleep, and I was plagued by nightmares.

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