Chapter 27

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Everything was dark. I heard noises, shouting mainly. It was muted and dull. I felt arms around me. Someone was carrying me. Through my haze, I recognized Mike's voice. It was the one closest to me. He must be the one carrying me. The other voices I knew, but couldn't place.

Suddenly, a noise louder than the rest sounded. I couldn't think of anything it could be, but then another one came. Then silence. I felt Mike lower me and place me on the ground. I tried to open my eyes, but they refused. All I could hear was silence.

Minutes later, sirens, like an ambulance, penetrated my hearing. Everything suddenly erupted into chaos. There was so many different sounds I couldn't think straight. The chaos died down, and I heard Mike's voice again. It more far away than before, and I still couldn't make out what anyone was saying. It was like my ears were full of cotton, muting the sound.

I was moved again, picked up and set down on something. I tried to lit my hand, but nothing happened. It was like my body was dead but my conscious was wide-awake, aware of everything happening around me.

The thing I had been set on began to move, and then there was more silence and a steady movement. It felt like the rocking of a vehicle. I think I've been moved into the ambulance.

All that I was aware of for a long time afterward was the gentle rocking of the ambulance and bandages being wrapped around my torso. I didn't know if I was still bleeding or not, but apparently I was.

The ambulance stopped, and I felt something prick my arm, and my conscious faded into complete and total darkness.

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