Chapter 23

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I stopped the car just outside the house. If Nate was as injured as I thought he was, I didn't want to walk far carrying him.

I wanted Marley to stay in the car and be our 'get-away guy,' but he insisted on coming in. Even if I did leave him in the car, he'd probably follow me as soon as I was out of sight. So best to keep where I can have an eye on him.

"Remember we want this to go as smooth as possible," I whispered to him as we stood outside the door. "We don't want to get spotted and make this more difficult. You sure you don't want to stay in the car?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. You don't have to keep repeating yourself. I know what to do." My old friend sounded really annoyed; I guess I was getting a bit paranoid.

"Alright, then. Let's go." To my surprise, the front door was unlocked, and both of us crept in.

The entire house was a mess. Empty beer bottles and cans were everywhere, along with piles of shattered glass and dirty clothes. I almost threw up at the smell.

"Okay, yep, pretty sure this is the right place," Marley muttered, holding the collar of his shirt against his nose.

"Hey, Adrian! Come 'ear!"

Both of us froze. I mouthed the word hide and we both dove behind a rotting couch. The smell was even worse, now. My eyes started to water.

We hid just in time as a young man turned the corner. He was dressed in a what-used-to-be white t-shirt, jeans, and lab coat. His sandy hair was sticking up in every direction.

"Wh-what do you w-want?" The young man, Adrian started to head down the hall, but was stopped by the other guy here calling out again.

"Actually, never mind. Why don't you go check on that brat? Make sure he's still breathing. You're the doctor here."

Adrian sighed, and said muttered something under his breath. I had a feeling it wasn't very nice.

He moved toward a door that looked almost brand new, meaning it wasn't completely covered in grime and whatever else was in here. I looked back at my friend. His eyes were wide. I crouched down lower to whisper in his ear.

"We have to follow him. He'll lead us to Nate!" Marley nodded, and we both slowly moved from our cover towards the now open door. Adrian was descending down a long set of stairs to the basement.

We followed him, and I shut the door behind us, hoping that the man in front of us didn't notice the noise. He didn't, and kept on moving.

Once all three of us were on level ground, in a short, stone corridor, I sprinted ahead and tackled Adrian, pinning him to the wall and covering his mouth with my hand, muffling the short scream. His eyes widened into a look of terror.

"Look," I growled, "We just want to save our friend and get out of here." I removed my hand. "Tell us where he is."

To my surprise, the doctor actually smiled. He looked relieved. I stepped back in surprise, no longer pinning him.

"I'll be more than happy to help you. Though, I warn you, you won't like what you see." He shivered. "I was forced here myself a few days before the kid was brought here. Since I'm a doctor, I know how to cut someone without killing them, but inflict the most pain possible."

Adrian pressed himself against the wall, and my own eyes widened. I looked at Marley. From the look on his face, he'd come to the same conclusion as I did.

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