Chapter 18

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I opened my eyes, my vision fuzzy. Voices floated above my head, but they sounded like I was hearing them from underwater. Suddenly, a bright light was shone right into my eyes and I hissed in pain at the headache it caused, leaning away. The light left immediately, and I watched, fascinated, as smaller, dimmer lights danced in front of me. I blinked a couple times and they faded away.

Something was now floating in front of me. I giggled at how it looked; it was just a pale blob, contorting in different ways as I looked at it differently. I reached up to touch it, a little sad when I couldn't quite reach it.

"Clarissa. Clarissa, can you hear me?" I giggled again at the voice. It was all muffled and distorted, it sounded funny.

"It's me, Dr. Dorado. I promised Mike, your brother, I'd watch out for you while he went to look for Nate. Clarissa, are you getting any of this?"

The names and the voice all sounded vaguely familiar, but that thought was pushed into the back of my mind. I said my first words since I woke.

"You look funny. Why do you sound like that?"

The blob sighed, which sounded even funnier, like a vacuum cleaner, and moved away from me so I couldn't see it anymore. There was a sting in my arm, like a shot, and I instantly blacked out.

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