Part 4

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"Ed, I'm nervous..." Ginger shivered and clung tightly to her friend's shoulder as she gazed up at the large, two-story house that stood in front of them.

Edward smiled and reached up to pet Ginger's head. "Don't be. Yuki's very friendly - she'll love you." He quickly stepped up onto the porch and went to knock on the door.

Before his fist could come in contact with the wood, the door flung open and a snow leopard bolted out, squealing excitedly. "Ed!!" Yuki wrapped her furry arms around the boy and lifted him up into a tight embrace. She spun him around a few times, her long violet hair swishing around behind her back.

Ginger squeaked and clung tightly to the collar of Edward's jacket until Yuki finally set him back down on his feet.

"Hey buddy!" Yuki purred happily as she wagged her thick tail. "I missed you. You haven't come by to visit me lately!"

Feeling dizzy from being spun around, Edward shook his head a bit to steady himself. "I missed you too, Yuki." He chuckled softly and smiled up at her. He quickly reached up and felt around on his shoulder to make sure Ginger hadn't fallen off.

Although she was shaken up, Ginger rubbed her head against his finger to let him know she was alright.

"Oh? Who's this little one?" Yuki spotted the tiny ocelot immediately and leaned forward to get a closer look.

Ginger shrunk back a bit under Yuki's bright, friendly gaze. She smiled shyly up at the snow leopard and timidly waved her paw. "H-Hello..." She stammered.

"Hi there! I'm Yuki Nakahara - what's your name?"

"M-My name's Ginger Farrel..."

"Ooo, what a pretty name! It's very nice to meet you, Ginger!" Yuki exclaimed, holding her finger out for Ginger to shake.

"It's nice to meet you too, Yuki." Ginger smiled and shook the tip of Yuki's fluffy finger, careful to avoid the long black claw attached to it.

"Don't worry, I keep my claws dull so I don't scratch anyone." Yuki winked and carefully pulled her paw away when she saw the look on Ginger's face. "So tell me Ginger, how'd you happen to meet this goofball?" She asked, using her thumb to point at Edward.

"Hey!" Edward rolled his eyes and playfully punched Yuki on the shoulder. "We met at a restaurant, actually."

Yuki's amethyst eyes widened in mock surprise. "Figures it would involve food." She snickered and nudged him with her elbow.

"Yeah..." Edward chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.

Ginger shivered and snuggled up to her friend's neck. "Ed, I'm cold..." She whispered.

"Oh - c'mon inside, guys! The food's almost ready!" Yuki took Edward by the hand and led him into the house.

Ginger poked her head out from under Edward's collar and glanced around the room. There was a carpeted staircase framed by elegant wooden banisters leading up to the second floor in front of them, with an ornate throw rug on the floor below. "Wow..." The little ocelot's eyes slowly widened as she looked up at the ceiling. Hanging directly above them was a large, golden chandelier illuminating the entire foyer. "Your house is beautiful, Yuki!"

Yuki grinned, flicking her long tail happily. "Aw, thanks Ginger!" She beamed. "Wait till you see the rest of it! Maybe Ed will take you upstairs later so you can see my library."

Ginger's tiny mouth fell open. "You have your own library?"

Yuki nodded. "Yeah! It has shelves of books and lots of comfy chairs!"

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