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Wes woke up a few hours later propped up against the tree Draxxen was under. His body already able to move again, he stood up and heard Draxxen.

"Well that wasn't terrible, you at least showed me that you know how to run. Next time actually use the spell though, or we won't get anywhere with this."

Wes looks down at the ground, and at the box that used to hold the insects. "What happened to the bugs?"

"They escaped. Faculty took care of them before they became an issue though, this schools been through far worse. Now let's try something new, maybe something that won't cause you to forget what to do."

Draxxen leads wes over the first mountain, to a narrow passage with a fairly steep decline.

"This leads to the other mountain, and it's significantly longer than it would be to just walk there normally. If you don't beat me to the mountain, then I'm calling this agreement off. Don't dissapoint me."

And with those last words Draxxen starts heading towards the next mountain. Knowing that he can't waste time wes starts to run, going over how to use the spell in his head and mumurs out loud to himself.

"Ok, cause, get to the mountain first. Feeling of importance, there's definitely something. Allright, start focusing this feeling to my legs and say a phrase about the moment."

As wes continues murmuring he hears something crash behind him and turns to see a large rock, big enough to block the whole pathway, starting to roll down the pathway at fast pace, and only gaining more speed as it travels downhill.

He turns back and starts running, "guess he was serious about the agreement being called off. Didn't know he meant in this way though."

As wes runs, he focuses on moving the feeling of importance from his gut to his legs. After a few moments his legs start to feel heavy, and he starts thinking of what phrase to say to use the spell. The Boulder rolls closer and closer, only increasing in speed, as it's only a few feet away from Wes, he starts saying what he thinks will work.

"Let caution go with the wind, and let my speed rain true. To not be held by limits, is the only way I'll catch up to you."

At first wes doesn't feel any difference, and the Boulder is inches away from him now and he can feel it hit his heels everytime his foot goes back.

Then suddenly he feels a burning in his legs, and the Boulder slowly gets farther away as wes speeds up. Within seconds he far away enough from the Boulder that it's no longer in sight, and he keeps increasing his speed.

A few more seconds pass and he can see the end of the tunnel, and once again increases his speed running up the steep slope to escape the tunnel.

As he takes the final step outside the tunnel, wes ends up propelling himself through the air. As he goes through the air he sees that he is heading towards a tree and curls his body into a ball.

When he collides with the tree, rather than smacking off the tree and landing on the floor, he completely goes through the tree, breaking it in half and stopping his momentum considerably, and crashes to the ground almost immediately afterwards.

He lands on the ground with his face to the sky, and his legs broken and twisted. And his back completely broken.

A few minutes pass and his legs are slowly trying to twist back into place, and he can feel the bones in his back moving to try and fix themselves.

As this is happening wes is completely out of breath, and in too much pain to try and speak. As he lays there Draxxen walks over to him and looks down at Wes.

"I made it just in time to see you crash into that tree, well done. I knew you wouldn't need the medical staff so I asked an acquaintance of mine to move you back to your room, meet me here when your body fixes itself we're not done yet, we've only just begun."

With those last words wes hears a snap and feels himself turn into a wisp, and crash onto his bed moments later. Not even willing to question any of it, he just lays there waiting for his body to heal.

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