Draxxen (plus an update in the comments)

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Two days have passed since Wes had arrived at Nalraxian Academy, and he had spent those days learning the area. Finding several libraries, multiple mess halls, and of course his dorm room, which he is currently in.
At the current time it was morning, though you wouldn't be able to tell from inside, since it is constantly illuminated as a test for students in that area of magic.
Now slightly familiar with where to find things at Academy, wes leaves his room and heads to the library with Spells based on physical enhancement. Wes had always favored the idea of relying on his physical abilities, so magic that can raise them further seemed like the perfect match to him.
The library of physical enhancements wasn't too far away from Wes' dorm, roughly a 13 minute walk going, making several turns with a large straight hallway. The inside of the library however is rather small, only able to fit 2 aisles of books, and a small reading area with two tables, three chairs at each. And of course, the book keeper assigned to keep watch over the library who is currently signing documents likely involving expanding the library to receive more books on physical enhancements.
Wes walks up to the keeper, "Excuse me?" The keeper finishes signing a part of a document and looks up at wes, she is rather young, looking like she could be no older than 34, with light brown hair, long enough to fall inside of the grey robe she is wearing. After wes doesn't talk for a few moments she speaks up
"Yes how my I help you" her voice was nothing out of the norm, what you would first expect to hear from anyone you meet for the first time.
"Oh, right. I was wondering what sort of spells I can expect to find in this library?"
"I assume you mean specifics wise, otherwise you may not be here. Well since this is a rather new spell type, not much is known about what it can achieve. But we do have books on expanding limbs, like so." The woman murmurs something under her breath and stretches her arm across the room and grabs a beginner book on the subject and holds it out to wes.
"No thanks, I'm looking more to increase my actual physical abilities, like strength, or speed."
The woman stretches her arm across the room and puts the book back and brings her arm back without anything. "Ah, the warrior type, well I hate to say this but no-one has found out much on the subject, there is a student here that found a way to increase his strength but refuses to share information with us. He goes by the name Draxxen." She writes down some things on a slip of paper and hands it to wes, "you can find him in this location, maybe you can learn what he did, and do it for yourself. And if you do find out, be sure to let us know so we can share it with others."
The slip has a number, 364, and a circle with four lines one different sides. Wes takes the slip, thanks the keeper and runs out of the library and to a nearby directory, basically a map of the entire school, and starts looking for the number, but finding nothing. He keeps looking at the map for about 5 minutes before someone behind him talks.
"Those slips aren't for showing a specific location, they're for finding students based on their ranking. Place it on the map and the slip will do the rest."
Wes looks back at the person who spoke, only to see someone walk into the library Wes had just left. Once he had placed to slip on the map and removed his hand the slip started to move, circling around the outer area, slowly closing towards the middle of the map, round and round the paper went.
Finnaly stopping abruptly in the library Wes had just left. Suprised he ran back to see the keeper talking to someone else, looking slightly agitated. Wes walked over to the two. "Excuse me, but are you the one who told me how to use the slips?"
The person turned around, he was roughly the same height as Wes, though slightly taller. He has short, thick black hair pointed upwards rather than having it fall flat. He has brown eyes, and a short black beard that grows into his sideburns, and noticeably darker skin than Wes.
"Yes, and before you ask I am Draxxen. And before you ask again, no I have no intention of sharing my findings with the library. I've told Jane here that it's too unstable to be of any use."
"What do you mean?" Wes can't help but ask, donning a confused look he's been using alot lately.
Draxxen sighs, slightly irritated. "I've said this multiple times already. Do you think I like repeating myself?" Before Wes can answer Draxxen continues talking. "This form of spell unleashes all restraints from parts of a physical body, run as fast as necessary, lift as much as you need. But of course, doing more than your body can do naturally is dangerous. Lift too much and your arms will be ruined, run to fast and your legs will be destroyed, it's too dangerous too be shared until I can learn all I can about it."
"What if I could help you learn about it faster? I guarantee that I can take it, it'll be a win win scenario. You learn about this new form of magic, and I learn the kind of spell I want to pass the entrance test with."
Wes looks at Draxxen with an unwavering confidence, almost in a way that it would seem like he's staring him down, and Draxxen looks back at Wes as though he were studying him.
"What makes you so sure you can take the downsides of this spell?"
"I feel as though action would speak faster than words." Wes removes a pin from Draxxen's robe and drags the pin across his hand, cutting across from the base of his index finger to the end of his hand.
Blood starts to flow from his hand down to his shoulder, as the first drop quivers as though it were about to drip onto the ground. But before it does the blood starts to slowly climb back up his arm and flow back into the cut on his hand that starts to seal once all the blood is back in his body.

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