Chapter 1 - Kion's Birth

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A scream was heard from the den at pride rock as I was in labour for the third time. "It's ok Nala everything is thing honey" said my mother Sarafina. In the end a golden cub was born it looked just like Simba. The cub was a healthy male me and Simba picked a good name for him.
I walked up to pride rock to find a small golden cub in Nala's paws it reminded me of Simba when he was a cub. I rattled my staff over his head as he cowered into his mother and I cracked the shell on the staff and drew a line across the cubs head. I picked him up he was golden with a yellow underbelly with little brown spots up his legs. I took him to the edge off pride rock and held him above the animals below and I shouted "I give you prince Kion of the pride lands" all the animals stamped their feet in joy as they saw the cub.
I was trying to catch butterflies when daddy said "Kiara me and your mother would like you to meet somebody" I followed daddy back to pride rock to find mummy with a little fluffball in her paws and I said "mummy you have some fluff on your paw" my mummy answered saying " this isn't a piece of fluff this is your little brother Kion". I watched as the fluffball turned around and I saw he looked just like daddy I couldn't wait to play with him just like my big brother used to play with me.

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