Chapter 9 / Assembling the lion guard

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I was looking for some food and I saw a purple snail my favourite I dived for it when bunga appeared out of nowhere I skidded along the floor at Kion's feet I said " nice to see you Kion" he replied saying "Ono you see about everything thats why I want to talk"

I was making a water slide for my friends when I saw Kion, bunga and Ono covered in water they called me over and I heard Ono saying "Strongest and also the wettest"

I was being chased by some baboons and Ono guided me to a rock and I got behind it Kion yelled "Beshtie now" the rock turned into Beshtie and he knocked the baboons back.

I told them about the lion guard when dad walked up to me and told me off for not having lions on the lion guard he thought I was playing with my friends I ran off to a field to be alone.

Me and Tifu where tracking gazelles when we saw jonja and the hyenas I hid behind a rock to keep watch and Tifu went to get dad!

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