Chapter 13 / The Stampede

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We got to Kiara to see Kion and his friends chasing off the hyenas but I noticed something and yelled "but the heard it's running strait towards Kiara!" "Kiara" Simba yelled!

I was checking everything was ok then I yelled "Hapana Kiara trapped behind a rock" Kion yelled "we've got to get there fast" Fuli said "I'm the fastest there it's but what do I do when I get their" bunga jumped on Fuli's back and said "just get me closer. Zuka Zama!". I heard Fuli yell "Huwezi I can't get any closer" bunga jumped off and said "scram you goofy gazelles take this" he did a big elephant fart which saved Kiara and she went back to simba and Nala saying "Kion must have thought when he was picking his friends" and Simba said "he did didn't he". All of us regrouped at the edge off the field

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