Chapter 2 / Kion's injury

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Kion woke up from a nap and started to walk mummy gasped at the sight. He was walking very good. Mummy asked " Kiara can you look after your brother" I followed Kion and led him to the watering hole. I was drinking some water when I heard a little mew. I looked up and saw Kion drowning in the river. I chased after him but he was going to fast in the current.

I was on patrol when I saw Kiara running down the river. I wondered what she was doing then I saw a young cub in the water "Kion" I yelled. I ran down the river and grabbed him just before he went down Hakuna Matata Falls. I said angrily "Kiara you should've been watching your brother!" I watched as she ran back to pride rock with tears streaming down her face

Kiara was sobbing as Rafiki looked at Kion "hmm he has a broken paw" he shouted at last. Simba snarled he was angry that I let Kiara take Kion out. When I got the cubs asleep I went outside Simba was there too. I sat next to him and ge turned around and attacked me. I was weak from looking after Kion and Simba soon pinned me to the ground. He scratched my thigh and I yelped in pain. My mother heard me yelp and got Simba off me. After realising what he'd done he hung his head. I knew it wasn't his fault he was just scared about losing Kion

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