Chapter 7 / Jonja's Plot

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I went looking for the new lion guard and bunga said "kion I may be a small honey badger but I know what's in my heart and I'm not afraid of anything" and I said " bunga stop talking so I can ask you to join the lion guard your the bravest animal I know"'

I overheard Kion and bunga talking about the lion guard so I went to visit jonja and the hyenas and jonja sang "When you live in the outlands it's better to make your own rules ask anyone outside the pride lands the circle of life is for fools we go where we want when we want to and we eat yes, we eat as we please that Kion can't give us a curfew" I sang " or tell us to stay in the trees" all the other hyenas sang " no tonight we strike tonight we strike no one's safe so the time us right the circle of life's gonna feel our bite tonight we strike tonight we strike" jonja sang " so before this new guard us ready to defend the pride lands from harm we'll make them feel unsteady we'll give them cause for alarm " the other hyenas sang "Yeah tonight we strike tonight we strike no one's safe so the time is right the circle of life's gonna feel our bite tonight we strike tonight we strike" jonja sang " all right fellas , bring it in here's the plan. While the animals are in their slumber we'll be creeping beneath and just like a rising thunder we'll wake them up with our teeth" the hyenas sang " tonight we strike tonight we strike no one's safe so the time is right the circle of life's gonna feel our bite tonight we strike tonight we strike tonight we strike tonight we strike no one's safe so the time is right the circle of life's gonna feel our bite tonight we strike tonight we strike" jonja sang " tonight we strike nobody is safe" jonja and the hyenas sang "the circle of life's gonna feel our bite tonight we strike tonight we strike!"

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