Chapter 10 / Grandfather Mufasa

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I ran off to a field and sang to myself " Why? Why even trust me at all? They say the guard is my call but then come tell me I'm wrong. Now what? What should I do ? And who? Who do I turn to? Now everything feels so upside down. Deep down maybe I knew it was way too good to be true all my friends looking up to me some leader I turned out to be!

The spirit of Mufasa
"Kion" i said he turned around saying Hevi Kabisa I told him that Simba was worried because he loved him I changed Kion's mind about not being leader to being the leader I disappeared saying "trust your instincts the roar will be there when you need it. Till the pride lands end"

I copied the last words he said and I sang "Maybe my journey it's far from done. They need a leader and I'm the one do now it's time for them all to see the lion I was born to be. It is time to take the lead on my own it is time for something bigger than I've ever known no need to wonder the choice is dive now I believe I truly am the one" a red mark of a Kion's face appeared in my shoulder and I sang " so is it time is it time yes it is time" bunga ran onto the field and shouted "Kion the hyenas there attacking the gazelles" !

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