Chapter 17 / returning to pride rock

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Its been six years since I left the pride lands and I missed home so me and Kopa decided to go back to the pridelands. When we got there Kopa saw his friend Vitani I snarled at the sight of her I went towards pride rock when I saw Kovu he had grown a lot. I attacked Kovu and we fought so much that my leg wound split it was hard for it to heal but Kovu stood over me and snarled "Exile".

I saw Kion being attacked so I continued the fight but Vitani told me not to join the fight. A lioness saw the fight and helped Kovu take him to the outlands. I snarled at him as he threw kion into the outlands.

I couldn't walk so I called for help and I saw someone familiar "Tifu is that you" I said "yes I am tifu do you need help lets take you to pride rock" she said I told her that I was exile then Kopa ran over with a lioness. He told me that Vitani didn't mean to try and kill him so Kion forgave her.

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