Guard Your Heart

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I was lying in bed this morning thinking about my heart. I was reflecting on just how pertinent it is to my survival. As I sat there quietly attempting to hear the beat and I felt the blood pump, I thought~ physically, I can not live without my heart... My life started and will end with my heart...

But then I began to think about it from a metaphorical stance. Everything that transpires in our lives, all ultimately stems from the heart. See, I liken the heart to a garden. Daily we plants seeds in our heart. These seeds will eventually take root; they will grow, and they will manifest into our thoughts, words, actions, and deeds.

The problem is that many of us are not very cognizant of what is being planted in our hearts. We sometimes plant seeds of doubt, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, and many other unproductive things... Oftentimes when we even give others the opportunity to plant their rotten little seeds in our hearts. The crazy part is, when it all comes to fruition, we're actually surprised, frustrated or annoyed with how this all plays out in our day to day lives... This suggests to me that we need to be more aware of what we are permitting into our hearts. We must be more diligent/vigilant in protecting our hearts as well.

*Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for EVERYTHING you do flows from it.

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