Salts of the Earth

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Matthew 5:13 " Ye are the salt of the earth; but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men".

Believers are required to be the salt of the earth. Salt adds flavour. It brings life and taste to food. If salt loses its properties to add flavour, it is of no benefit to us in the kitchen. It is worthless and fit to be thrown into the garbage.

We are required to be examples of the Christ we claim to know here on show the wonderful love and mercy of show how he can change lives for the better through our lifestyles. show his power in our lives.

If we are not doing so, then Jesus' words are clear. We are worthless disciples.

Today we need to take a spiritual checkup. A check of our hearts...Our minds...Our actions....Our reaction to others....the level of our love for others...the level of our commitment to Christ.....what excites us...what occupies our time?

We profess to know Christ. Are others seeing Him in us? Are we living lives that will draw others to Him? If not, we need to repent and recommit our lives to Him for we have lost our savour.

Be blessed and encouraged by the Word today.

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