Chapter 9 ~ Lovely Dreams

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I dedicate this chapter to  XxSecretNinjaxX because she is so awesome and is making me a cover!! love you!! :)

ok so this is more of a filler, but arent you happy that i posted now and not just this weekend, 'cuz i am. hahahaha


Chapter 9 ~ Lovely Dreams

Baylee POV

I was lying on my towel at the beach, watching the sunset. ‘It’s so beautiful’ I thought.

“Not as beautiful as you” said a voice as their arm wrapped itself across my shoulders pulling me closer to them.

I turn my head and see the sexy, chocolate-brown eyes of the Taylor Lautner.  He had his shirt off and I could see those drool-worthy abs, I wanted to touch them so bad…wait, what are you thinking Baylee! Keep your eyes on his face, not his abs, eyes on face not abs, face not abs, oh that is so hard to do! He put his fingers on my chin and brought my head up to his face. Now we were only inches apart. He tilted his head to the side, closed his eyes and leaned in, I did the same. ‘Oh My God! Oh My God! Oh My God!’ I’m thinking, he’s going to kiss me!—

“Oof!” I grunted as I felt a heavy weight slam down on me, it got off, then landed again “ergh!” and got off, simply to land a third time, only then did I realize it was Lily was jumping on me.

“Wake up sleepy-head! It already 8:30!!” 'How she wakes up so early and can still be so cheery is beyond me' I thought, as I pushed her off of me and threw my pillow over my head.

“Ow, you didn’t have to push me so hard” she glared at me while rubbing her butt, which I’m assuming she landed on.

“Izzoerlyoowakup” I mumbled, trying to fall back asleep to that oh-so-wonderful dream.

“What was that?” she said with her hand cupped behind her ear, indicating she didn’t hear me.

I lifted my head up off of the bed, looked her in the eyes and said “Its-too-early-to-wake-up!!!!”  I pronounced every syllable like you would do to a five-year-old. Then I flopped back down on the bed.

She scoffed, and then I heard footsteps so I’m assuming she walked away. I was just getting comfy again when—

“Aargh!” I screamed as ice-cold water was being dumped on me by the red-haired devil. “WHAT THE FRICKEN HELL WAS THAT FOR?!” I demanded as I grabbed my blanket and tried to dry myself off. The little devil just smirked at me. I got up and gave her my most innocent smile.That wiped the smirk of her face.

“Uh, are you ok?” she asked nervously while subtly taking a step back.

“Oh, yeah! I’m great! I’m so great that I want to spread my happiness with you! Come on give me a hug!!” I started walking toward her with my arms out stretched.

“No, no, no, no, no! I’m all ready for the train ride, puh-lease do not get me wet” she was trying to shield herself

“Hmph, fine. But only because I am such an awesome and amazing friend” I said with a smirk. She just smiled at me.

I grabbed my stuff and walked toward the bathroom to take a shower. “first you take me away from kissing a super-mega-hottie, then you jump on me, then you pour freezing water all over me, and now you wont even give your best friend a hug” I finish while fake crying. She looked confused for a moment, then I shut the door. After a few seconds I could hear laughter on the other side of the door.

I smiled to myself. ‘This is going to be an awesome year.’ I thought as I stepped into the steamy shower.


thanks so much to everyone who is reading my story, i appreciate you so much

i love feedback on my story so please...






: )

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