Part 19

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QUICK AUTHORS NOTE!: Just because I know some people don't read the description. Once you read the chapter I STRONGLY URGE you to read the next! Why? Well you'll read why. Promise to just read the next chapter and if you're not happy after that point then there's not much I can do otherwise.

~flashback, POV ~

You feel yourself start to slip underwater, the pain at your legs growing unbearable. Slowly, they take bit by bit from your flesh, each one hurting worse than the previous bite. You finally can't keep yourself up anymore, feeling to weak. You begin to sink under water, only to push yourself back up, just to do back down. You try hard to swim back up once more, but your body is too weak now. You hold your last breath in your lungs, every second getting more and more painful to hold. The things attacking getting more and more vicious by the second, You could hear your heart pound in your ears.

You can't hold any longer, and your last breath escaping your lips as you sink. Cold water replaces the air, hurting you from the inside and out now. Rather suddenly, light fills your glazed over eyes, and you feel the heavy weight of your wet body weigh down on you, air touching your skin. You gasp harshly for air, only to be hindered by the water in your lungs.

The wind blows through you like you are nothing but a ghost; the air chilling your skin. You fall to your knees, then to your stomach. The force making you cough the water out of your lungs, you desperately try to breathe as much air in as possible. You're too numb and too weak to hear anything, the surroundings looking like nothing but blurs. Someone's voice finally brings you back into reality, but you're too weak to even look around. You only to see the dark figure of the Shadow to the left of your body, this time he's taking Jeff's form.

"Now, hold still..." He grins, taking a black fogged knife similar to Jeff's and drives it deep into your shoulder. You scream out, the sensation of your warm blood spreading out onto your shoulder and back. You hear footsteps rapidly making their way to you and the Shadow, you feel adrenaline start to surge and shock you a bit.

You wince trying to get a good look, but your vision is still not fully clear. You reach and hold your shoulder tightly, the knife makes its way a bit deeper into you, provoking tears form you. Without reason, the Shadow launches away from you. You blurrily see in disbelief, Jeff coming at him with his knife.

*Whoosh. Rip*

"Too slow, ugly!" The shadow mocks, the hint of enjoyment in his voice. Jeff continuously swinging his knife at him, his face is masked in rage as he attacks. Despite how fast Jeff is, his mocked version of him is just slightly faster. Jeff finally manages to get closer to strike, but Shadow quickly grabs onto his wrist. They both struggle to win the tug a war they're stuck in. Out the corner of your slowly clearing vision, you can see movement making its way towards you. Masky, Toby and Hoodie quickly make their way to you, with the opening Jeff is providing.

Rumble. Crack.

The ground below them, begins to rumble then starts to crumple apart. They jump back from the pit that is opening up, Masky almost miss the edge, but is quickly yanked back by Hoodie. You then notice that everyone else is here, you attempt to get up, but the pain in your shoulder and legs are just too much to even manage to sit up.

You glace over to the two fighting over Jeff's knife still, Jeff looking like he's almost over powering the Shadow of himself. The knife inches away from the shadow's neck, he growls at Jeff with anger.

The knife in your shoulder starts to twitch rapidly, causing more cuts into your flesh. You screech at the intense pain, then the knife yanks itself out of your shoulder. It floats in the air above you, lining itself at the two of them. It quickly makes its way to the shadow and Jeff; your eyes widen as enraged Jeff didn't notice it rapidly coming towards him, until It's too late. The knife enters his back, and then back out of him. Jeff doesn't move as blood soaks his white hoodie, he falls to the floor with a *thud* .

" JEFF!" " You try to scream out, but your voice is so weak it doesn't carry. You wince in pain, realizing your wound is bleeding out more thanks to the new cuts. "Now...." The shadow says, stepping closer to you. "Who's next? of you?..... All? .....Anyone? ..... No? So then can I finish my work with ____?" he says obviously provoking them, you see a glimpse of a cut on the shadow; looks like Jeff took his toll on him. He then groans, his shaping changing into a tall, horned figure towering over you all. Four arms protruding out of him, along the spider like appendages from his back.

"No one? That's a shame. Hey, ________ why don't you lend me a hand with eradicating these pathetic fools." His voice booms out, reaching his hand down to you. You shake in fear, attempting to get up and away. Slowly, his hand reaches down, and pins you to the ground. Another hand begins to dig into your wounds, causing you to scream in pain. The shadow yanks your head up, a devilish grin forming; taking enjoyment in your pain.

You hear some shuffling come from where everyone is standing, but it's too late. You feel a deathly freeze come over your body; the shadow's very existence taking over you. He forces his being into your body, as if you are a lifeless puppet. You see and feel yourself get up, but you have no control over your movements. A grin forms on your face, you wave your hand and a black fire raises up, preventing everyone coming closer you.  

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