Chapter 12

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Abby let out her breath in relief. They took off later than planned due to a weather front moving through the center of the country. It was dark as they neared the little airport in Shelby. The weather here was clear, and Abby could see the stars glittering out the window of the small jet.

Their mysterious passenger spent most of the time with a sleeping mask on in the back of the plane. Abby never got a good look since the woman was already on the plane when Abby boarded. She talked quietly on a cell phone until they began taxiing for takeoff, then she slipped the sleeping mask on and Abby didn't hear a sound out of her again.

The mechanic who sat next to Abby snoring softly turned out to be the total opposite. The mechanic turned out to be a little thing. The woman, which surprised Abby, had to be about five-foot-two and probably weighed a hundred pounds wet. She had a head full of dark auburn hair with streaks of purple in it. She had a scattering of freckles across her nose and a ready smile.

She was perky while sipping one of the largest cups of coffee Abby had ever seen. As the woman talked up a storm and checked every nut and bolt on the plane, three times, Abby decided the woman shouldn't ever drink coffee or any other beverage with caffeine in it. She was like a bouncy ball let loose in the small space. She finally crashed about two hours before landing after saying she hadn't slept in over seventy-two hours. Even in her sleep she seemed to be working as her fingers moved back and forth like she was taking something apart.

The symbiot on Abby fell in love with the woman as she talked and petted them. Abby didn't know how on earth the woman seemed to know about them, but she had taken one look at them and talked to them as if she did it every day. They behaved themselves, staying quiet while on Abby, but Abby knew they wanted to play. Once the woman fell asleep, they turned into little birds and flew over to her, fluttering around her face as she blew out little puffs of air.

Abby's pulse quickened as Trisha's voice came over the intercom to ask that everyone buckle up for landing. Cara Truman stretched out her arms and legs, shooting the little gold symbiot on Abby's wrists a wink as she sat all the way up.

"So, how long before we land?" Cara asked, looking out the window. "Cool, not a cloud in sight. Man, this is a little bitty place, isn't it? Looks like the town I grew up in."

Abby laughed in excitement. "Yes, it is small, but it's home."

"Looks like you have a reason to be back. Is he cute? Does he have a brother?" Cara asked mischievously.

"Yes, he is, and yes, he has four brothers," Abby replied, distracted before she realized what she had just said.

Laughing, Cara stretched again. "Busted! Well, if they are cute point me in their direction. I'm always looking for a good time in a small town."

Abby couldn't help but laugh. Cara had the kind of personality that anyone couldn't help but fall in love with. She was a ball of energy. Even sitting still she moved around.

Cara saw Abby's amused smile and couldn't help the rueful grin that curved her lips. "I'm a little ADHD. I couldn't sit still if my life depended on it, and I only sleep about four hours a night if I'm lucky. Drives everyone nuts, but I get a lot done. I have an IQ out the kazoo. Needless to say, most people and all men can't stand being around me for more than five minutes. Oh, but I do love to drive them crazy first."

Abby chuckled. "Well, you haven't driven me crazy, and I have thoroughly enjoyed your company."

Ariel's voice came on to say they would be at the gate in just a few minutes, thanking everyone for flying Hamm Air, the only airlines where pigs did fly. Abby and Cara looked at each other before bursting out laughing. Both Trisha and Ariel had very dry senses of humor.

Abducting Abby: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 1Where stories live. Discover now