Chapter 11

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Abby bit her lip as she drove down the highway trying not to start crying again. Zoran had been very reluctant to let her go. After he came back to the workshop last night, he helped her finish packing her creation. It took both of them to get it into her truck. She hoped whoever came to pick her up wouldn't mind helping her load it on the jet.

Afterward, they walked back to the cabin, where Abby fixed them a light meal. After dinner, they sat outside talking about Abby's clients and how far New York was from California. Zoran hadn't said anything but Abby could tell he wasn't pleased. Unable to deal with his disapproval of her leaving, she kissed him, the fire of desire burning in her blood. They spent most of the night making love before Abby fell into an exhausted sleep not long before daybreak.

Breakfast was a quiet affair. Abby finally noticed the mark on her neck in the shape of a dragon, but didn't say anything to Zoran. Even now as she drove down the highway, she lightly traced the pattern with her fingers. It looked like a combination of a tattoo and a birthmark. All she cared about was that it was a piece of Zoran. It marked her as his and his dragon's, and no one could ever take that away from her.

Abby pulled into the airport parking lot. The terminal was just a single one-story building not much bigger than her workshop. Mrs. Patterson's husband, Harry, was the lone airport personnel, and he did that as a volunteer. He was a retired Air Force pilot and traffic controller. Abby liked the way he used to come up to the mountain to talk with her grandfather, especially after her grandmother died.

"Morning Abby, I just got a call that your ride will be landing in the next fifteen minutes. Need any help with your crate?" Harry said gruffly.

Abby smiled. "Morning, Harry. If you don't mind holding the hand truck steady while I slide it down, I would appreciate it. I have this thing packed so tight I could probably air drop it down the Boswells' chimney and it would be fine."

Harry laughed in response. They spent the next twenty minutes talking about different things while they waited for the jet to finish taxiing. Abby was surprised when two women climbed down from the jet.

"Good morning. I'm Trisha Grove, and this is my co-pilot, Ariel Hamm. We are to assist you in any way you need and escort you to the Boswells' home in New York."

Abby looked at the two young women. Both were dressed in black form fitting uniforms that flattered their figures. She had never seen a plane like the one they were flying. The jet had a slick design, and Abby could tell it was made for speed.

"Hi. I'm Abby Tanner. Thank you for coming all this way to get me. I can't believe the Boswells are flying me all the way to New York just to deliver this."

Ariel laughed. "They spare no expense, plus this is a write-off. This is a new design for business jets, and we get to test it. Both of us were Air Force test pilots, so this is one of the perks of the job. The jet is very safe and handles like a dream. They just wanted to test fuel efficiency and speed cross-country. We were happy to volunteer for the trip."

Harry's eyes lit up when Ariel mentioned their Air Force connection. A half hour later, both women were promising to give Harry an update on their flight when they returned Abby early the next day. The Boswells planned a reception for Abby's new creation and wanted her to stay the night for their dinner party. Abby was reluctant, but knew it would be pointless to protest since the Boswells' connection could mean more contracts for work.


The flight to New York was uneventful. They made a brief stop in Nevada to refuel, since Shelby didn't have the jet fuel they needed. After their brief stop, Abby leaned back in her seat, staring down at the passing landscape. She already missed Zoran so much she hurt. She could feel her dragon mark burning as if it were protesting her being so far from him. She absent-mindedly rubbed it gently with her fingers. Leaning her head back, she smiled down at the two gold symbiotics on her wrists. They were weaving into different designs like they were trying to make her feel better. They both turned into the shape of a dog chasing each other. Abby giggled as she watched them running around her lap.

Abducting Abby: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 1Where stories live. Discover now