Chapter 24

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Abby and Zoran spent the next two weeks relaxing. Zoran showed Abby many of the places where he and his brothers used to play as children. He helped her get used to her dragon's needs and desires and showed her how to communicate with her symbiot. Abby taught Zoran how to sing and was teaching him how to play the guitar, which he replicated for her.

They spent hours walking through the forests surrounding the mountain estate or swimming in the huge basin in the garden. Abby's favorite time was when they would transform into their dragon forms and fly through the tops of the forest playing chase and capture and making love in both forms.

Zoran came up under the water and wrapped his arms around Abby. They had just returned from another trip of exploring and were enjoying the clear, cool waters of the garden pool. Abby shivered as his warm body pressed against her cooler skin.

Zoran splayed his hand over Abby's stomach. "My son grows in your womb. I can sense him," he whispered as he kissed her damp shoulder.

Abby's breath caught in her throat. "How can you know? Are you sure?" Abby pressed her hand over Zoran's larger one, turning to look him in the eye.

"I knew the moment we made him. I felt your womb accept my seed and hold it tight."

Abby's eyes filled with tears. A child. Their child. She closed her eyes, trying to use the senses Zoran had shown her over the past two weeks. She focused inward, seeking. She sucked in a surprised breath as she sensed the new life deep inside her. Her dragon was curled protectively around it.

Abby turned in Zoran's arms and wound her arms around his neck, burying her face in his chest. "I can sense it," she whispered softly. She had never felt such a surge of love, or fear, as she did at that moment.

Zoran smelled her fear and pulled her closer to his body. "Never fear, elila, I would give my life to protect you and our son. I will do everything in my power to make sure nothing happens to either of you."

Abby looked up. "I know. I love you so much, Zoran, it's impossible to contain."

"I love you more, elila."


Abby waved a tearful good-bye to Morian, getting Zoran's mother to promise to come visit soon. She had many questions. They had shared their news the night before with Morian. She did not seemed surprised at all. In fact, she looked very satisfied. She promised to visit the following month.

The flight back to the city seemed much shorter on the way back. Abby would miss the quietness of the mountain retreat, which strongly reminded her of her own mountain, but she was looking forward to seeing Cara, Ariel, Trisha, and Carmen again. She couldn't wait to share her news with them.

She realized she no longer thought of her life before meeting Zoran. She missed Shelly, Bo, and Gloria, but she felt at home here. Abby looked at Zoran through her eyelashes, studying his strong features. Her heart swelled, as if there was too much love in her to contain it all. Zoran was telling her about his plans to change the spare room into a nursery. Abby sat back and listened to all his plans for the baby, trying not to laugh as he talked about making the baby's first sword.


Zoran gently laid Abby's sleeping form in their bed. It was late, and she had fallen asleep not long before they arrived. He tucked the covers around her and kissed her forehead before heading out to meet with his brothers. He hadn't wanted to worry Abby. He had received a message from Creon late that morning before they left. Raffvin had been sighted by one of Ha'ven's informants heading off world.

Abducting Abby: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 1Where stories live. Discover now