Chapter 14

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Zoran yelled out orders as soon as they materialized on the ship. Two men quickly came toward Cara while Zoran carried Abby down a few short steps and toward a door. Abby had lost consciousness again and was lying limply in Zoran's arms. He moved with lightning speed toward the medical unit.

"My lord, we have stabilized the other female. She should be all right. The other two females were taken to a holding room until you tell us what you wish to do with them," Jarak his chief of security explained as he followed Zoran to medical.

Zoran frowned, but never broke his stride as the doors to medical slid open. "What of the other female who came with us."

"Trelon is working with her. She is not as... cooperative as the other two," Jarak responded hesitantly.

Zoran just nodded. Let his brother deal with her. He had enough to deal with worrying about Abby. He called for his mother symbiot. He gently laid Abby down on a medical bed. His mother symbiot burst through the door in the shape of a huge mountain cat. It moved past him to where Abby was lying so still and pale. It purred as it brushed against Abby, splitting to form a smaller cat, which jumped up onto the bed next to Abby, lying down on her chest and stretching out. Zoran ran his hand down it.

"Take care of her, Goldie. She is everything to us," Zoran whispered softly, sinking down into a chair next to the bed. He would not move her again until he knew she was safe. Lifting her delicate hand, he wrapped it in both of his hands praying for the first time since he was a child to his gods and goddesses that his true mate would be all right.


Abby moaned as she relived the moment when Clay shot Zoran. She wanted to die. She had no reason to live without him. If a bullet didn't take him away, then his brothers would. She knew she could never survive without him. Seeing him lying in front of her, a bullet to his chest had shown her that. She just wanted to sink into the dark oblivion and never wake up.

"Elila, wake for me. I miss you," Zoran said, brushing the hair back from Abby's forehead.

She had been unconscious for two days. His symbiot said she was just sleeping, afraid to wake. Her symbiot had grown as it absorbed more from its mother. Now, large gold bracelets adorned both of her wrists, as well as around her neck and ankles.

Zoran could feel his dragon's impatience for Abby to wake as well. It clawed at him to get out, to call to its mate to see if she would respond. Unable to think of what else to do, Zoran let some of his dragon's breath wash over Abby before he gently bit her shoulder and breathed into her bloodstream.

Warmth engulfed Abby's body right before she felt a sharp sting on her shoulder, followed by an intense burning pleasure. Try as she might to resist waking, the desire burning in her refused to let her remain unconscious any longer. She could feel something stirring deep inside her fighting to get out. With a loud cry as a hot wave of desire rushed through her, Abby's eyes opened as she panted until the wave crested and began to roll back out.

"Zoran," Abby cried out huskily.

"Shush, elila, I am here." Zoran smiled with satisfaction.

He could feel Abby's response. Even better, he could feel the dragon in Abby respond. She was still not ready to transform yet. Her body would need more time to learn how to. Zoran looked forward to teaching her.

Abby turned her head toward Zoran, confused. "Where am I?"

"You are in my cabin aboard one of our warships. We are on our way to Valdier," Zoran said softly, kissing Abby's forehead as he continued to brush her hair to one side.

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