Chapter 22

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They did not return to the palace until the next day. Zoran wanted to make sure Abby was well rested before transforming again and flying such a long distance. Of course, once Zoran showed her how to transform into her dragon, Zoran's dragon had other ideas, and it involved a chase and capture.

It was well after dark by the time they arrived, and Abby was weak with fatigue. As soon as they landed on their balcony, Zoran swept Abby into his arms before she collapsed into a puddle on the cold stone flooring. He took her to the bath, where he bathed her gently before putting her to bed. Abby remembered very little of it.

It was late morning before Abby woke up to banging on the outer door of the suite of rooms she and Zoran shared. Abby barely had time to get a silk robe on before the doors burst open, and Trisha, Carmen, Ariel, and Cara with their respective new symbiot pets came trotting in.

"Good morning!" Cara said brightly as she laid a tray full of food on a low table. "We thought you'd be hungry."

"No, you wanted an excuse to find out what happened!" Trisha said with a grin as she picked up a piece of fruit from the tray and bit into it. "Damn, they have some good fruit here."

"So, tell us all the juicy details. I heard you fried Ben'qumain? How'd you do that?" Ariel said as she laid another tray with cups and a large pot of something that smelled suspiciously like coffee down on another small table.

Carmen didn't say a word, but moved over to a chair and sat down quietly, looking curiously at Abby. Abby glanced at the women who had become more like sisters to her. Accepting a cup of coffee from Ariel and a plate of food from Cara, Abby sank down onto the soft cushions of the sofa and pulled her bare feet up under her.

Pushing her hair away from her face, she took a sip of coffee before replying, "I turned—can turn—into a dragon."

Abby waited as the news of what she had just revealed sank into the women sitting around her. She glanced at each one under her lashes as she sipped more of her coffee. Ariel and Trisha were staring at her with their mouths hanging open, Cara had a devious grin full of mischief on her face, and Carmen studied her with an expression on her face that Abby couldn't read.

"That. Is. So. Cool!" Cara said excitedly, her voice rising as her excitement grew. "How did you do it? Can I do it? Oh. My. God. I have to be able to do it. I could totally drive Trelon out of his ever-loving, fucking mind! Oh, Abby, you have got to teach me how. Please! Please! Please!"

The three other women glanced from Cara to Abby. Suddenly, a small chuckle filled the air followed by uncontrollable giggling. All eyes whipped around, unable to believe where the giggling was coming from.

Carmen wiped her eyes trying to stop giggling, "Oh Abby, please teach us. I would love to be able to give someone else hell, and I'm sure I could think of a hundred different ways to do it in the form of a dragon."

Soon, all the women were giggling and making up ways they could drive the men insane by switching between human and dragon and using the symbiot. Cara's was the most creative, but Carmen came up with the most devious. When Zoran walked into the room a couple of hours later and found all five women in hysterics, he had a bad, bad feeling he and his brothers were in for trouble.


Zoran glanced at Abby, making sure she was comfortable, before he moved over to talk to his brother Mandra. It was the first time they had dined with other males since Abby's transformation and her dragon's first heat. He knew other males would be able to sense what was happening to Abby's dragon and worried.

Abby was very sexual, much more so than normal Valdier women. Her dragon would be even more so now that it was going through its first heat and would send out pheromones, letting other males know she was sexually active.

Abducting Abby: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 1Where stories live. Discover now