Chapter 21

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Abby dreamed that she was a dragon flying through the air. She moved in her sleep, snuggling closer to the warmth that seemed to surround her. Stretching out her legs, she smiled. She felt good, and something smelled really, really nice. Moving her head without opening her eyes, she followed her nose, sniffing. Mmm, Zoran. He always smelled good to her. Brushing her mouth against his neck, she let her tongue move over his scales to taste him. Mmmm!

Abby's eyes flew open when she realized she was licking scales with a very long, narrow tongue. Lifting her head, Abby stared into a large male dragon's golden eyes. Zoran! She was wrapped in Zoran's wings, and he was in his dragon form! Abby blinked again and looked down at her body snuggled up against him. She was a...

"I'm a dragon!" Abby whispered in awe.

"A very beautiful dragon, elila," Zoran replied softly, brushing his snout against Abby's neck and licking her.

"But, how?" Abby turned to look into Zoran's eyes. "How can I understand you?"

"Dragon-speak. It is how we communicate with each other in this form. You are my true mate, Abby. You survived the dragon fire. You were accepted by my dragon and are the true mate to him. This is what I wanted to show you. Your dragon has wanted to transform for the past week. It was hard to convince her to wait." Zoran's eyes grew sad. "The first transformation is the scariest, even for the Valdier. I wanted to be with you, to help you. I am sorry, elila."

Abby leaned up and licked Zoran's mouth. "I love you so much. When I thought you were dead..." Abby couldn't continue.

She pushed herself up, wobbling a little as she adjusted to the feel of her new body. She glanced down at her shoulder and back leg. Both were healed. Abby noticed that she had what looked like a large low-hanging necklace of gold. Abby moved over to the small brook and took a drink before lifting her head high and shaking her body all the way from her snout to the tip of her tail. Looking over her shoulder, she spread her wings out wide behind her.

"This is so cool!" Abby said, laughing as she twirled around in a circle trying to see every part of her body.

Zoran's dragon let out a deep growl as he watched his mate raise her tail and flick it back and forth in an unconscious invitation. Zoran felt the wave of desire hit him quick and hard. He shuddered at the overwhelming feelings of desire and need to possess that came over him.

"Abby," Zoran growled again as he watched Abby's dragon duck her head down and stretch her neck in an invitation to dominate her.

Zoran moved closer, preparing to bite down and take Abby when, suddenly, Abby's dragon let out a snap and growl and leaped into the air away from him. Zoran's dragon let out a roar at the challenge. He felt the surge of primal need to capture and claim his mate and, with a powerful leap, followed the smaller dragon as she flew straight up.

"Abby! Submit to me. I claim both you and your dragon," Zoran roared.

"You have to catch me first!" Abby laughed as she swirled in the air, heading for the trees at the end of the meadow.

Zoran's heart swelled as he followed his little dragon. He chased her, giving her the lead as she flew in and out of the large branches, sometimes closer to them than he or his dragon liked. Whenever he got close enough to nip her tail, she would tuck it up under her little body and swerve.

After almost half an hour of playing chase and tag, Zoran and his dragon had had enough. He wanted Abby with a hunger unlike anything he had ever felt before. Determined to bring her back to the meadow, Zoran cut Abby off, pulling his larger body closer to hers and forcing her to move out of the protection of the trees into the sky above, where he could safely pin her to him.

Abducting Abby: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 1Where stories live. Discover now