Dear Diary,
When Maggie and I escaped from the McAfee plantation, more than 50 people died from the rebellion, including both Master and Mistress McAfee. Only the slaves and Miss Elizabeth survived on the plantation. When I heard about this, I was greatly troubled. Maggie and I are trying to escape, but we didn't kill anyone. Why can't we all just agree to disagree? Yes, slavery is definitely wrong, but sometimes people take it too far by being violent. I may have this perspective because I was treated well when I was a slave, and not all slave owners treat their slaves badly. Our whole country is divided because of this issue. North and South, against slavery and for slavery. It's not good at all.
Maggie and I are currently living at the Smith estate, very very far away from the McAfees. Mistress Allen was nice to us and gave us great hospitality, but we had to be on our way on the Underground Railroad so she and her family would be safe.
Maggie and I were doing well on our travels until a law was passed stating that anyone who helped an escaped slave would go to jail. Therefore, it has become increasingly harder to find people willing to take a risk and help us. I am not saying I am angry at them, of course. All they want is to be safe, but that is also what I want for Maggie and I.
We are going to be leaving the Smiths soon, since we have make it to the North, where we can be truly safe and free. Although I still have hope, we still have to find someplace to hide outside when our journeys trail into the night. It is very cold when the stars come out, and for Maggie's sake, I hope our trip to the next safe house will be warmer.
Maggie and I are so close to being safe. Truly safe. We need to continue to be strong.
Staying strong,
Freedom At Last
Short StoryRuth finds herself away from everything familiar when she leaves her master's plantation. Little does she know that she has quite a journey ahead of her. This is set back in the 1800s. Created with @cakebaker666