March 11, 1857

44 6 1

Dear Maggie,

More and more people have been coming to hear me speak. I hope that when they leave, they spread the word about how slavery is bad. To aid in informing people I have decided to visit Harriet Beecher Stowe. You most likely do not know who she is, unless you have been watching the world from heaven.

In case you haven't been watching, Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote the book Uncle Tom's cabin. It has gained an awful lot of attention and I hope to get Harriet to donate some of the copies for the book. That way I can give out the books after my speeches and hope people get inspired to do what we think is right: Abolishing slavery.

I will set off to Brunswick, Maine tomorrow at noon to meet Harriet. We have decided that we will meet at her home, where she wrote Uncle Tom's cabin.

On another note, Elijah and me officially got married! We did not have much money to spend on the wedding, but we found an old slave plantation and had our wedding there. We did this because as Elijah and me united we hoped that slaves would also unite and peacefully support our cause to end slavery.

After the wedding, I finally moved out of the place that was once my home. I said my goodbyes to the abolitionists with tears in my eyes. Without them I probably would not be an abolitionist, helping and inspiring people to share their voice against the arrogant Southerners.

Wish me good luck!



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